Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Who said that you don't need to know strategies to win at Bingo

Bingo, and especially the online version, does require a few strategies to win. It may sound a bit strange seeing as a player has no say in how a game will turn out, and simply has to wait for the right numbers to be called. However the strategy in online bingo is being able to control a large number of cards as well as going for the more difficult permutations instead of the simplest ones, where the competition is even fiercer.
Each bingo card has 25 squares, with the square in the centre being a floater. In certain online bingo rooms, players have to call which line formation they are going to fill, and once they have done they cannot change it. Even they have hit a simple bingo line and have already announced that they are going to fill the card, they are not allowed to call in other rooms players can decide during the course of the game what to go for. That's a strategy within itself.
Players has to be totally focused on their cards during the game, with the more cards that they have, the more difficult it is to keep track. Thanks to the wonders of online bingo technology, players can use an automatic dauber that will allows their cards to be marked of much quicker, as well as being total hands free. That means that a player should be able to concentrate solely on how their cards are filling out as the game progresses. This very important as a single number missed can mean a lot of money in the word of online bingo.
Many players say that it is a good strategy is to play in an online bingo room where there are not filled with a mass of players, in other words to be a big fish in a small pond. The payouts will certainly be less, but the percentage chances of winning are considerably greater. Who said you didn't need to think to play casino bingo review online.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Get in on Online Blackjack tournaments

When the online gaming craze really began to take off, playing Texas Hold'em poker was the biggest hit of the all the table games, Players liked the head to head to action and the people behind the leading online casinos quickly realised that the tournament format worked very well for poker, and in any format.

blackjack players were left to enjoy an improved choice of beating the house as well as all the other benefits of welcome and match play bonuses, loyalty points and all the other features that has made playing online so popular across the World. That for an increasing large number of online blackjack lovers there was still something missing. And the online gaming industry never slow to pick up on what the players want, realised that there was a genuine niche to organise online blackjack tournaments.

Instead of playing against each other, players play against the house over a fixed tine period, paying a fixed entry fee, which is pooled. The prize money is divided after casino or casinos who the organising casino or casinos take of their percentage for organising the tournaments and balance goes to make up the prize money. Obviously if there are a large number of participants, the prize money rises accordingly. Certainly interest in online blackjack tournaments are on the rise, with competitions kicking off around the clock.

Once everyone has paid their money, each player starts the competition with an identical amount of playing chips, and these are used to compete against the house. Once the tournaments time is finished, the player with the largest amount of playing chips in their stack is the winner and takes the first prize. Sometimes if the field is big enough, there are even second or third prizes to be won. For players who have finished the tournament outside the field, they will have had a good time enjoyed great value for money. It's on to the next tournament which may be just a few minutes away for you to play the game of casino blackjack.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I Feel Better When I Play Jacks (Or Better)

Online players can take a while to find a game that suits them best. I have found mine with video poker. What I like about it most is that it can move fast if you want it to and slow if that suits your style. The difference is that only the player has control of the pace of the game, a factor which is being rapidly recognized as a major advantage for online players. Slow players are given all the time in the World to weigh up all the possible permutations that a hand can conjure up and for that reason prefer to play at a slower speed. Players who have a need for speed are also catered for. One thing for sure is that if you play fast or slow, there will be no other players hovering in the background telling you to slow down or speed up.
That’s one of the many reasons while I like to play video poker online. After testing all the variations I have eventually homed in on the Jacks or better version, why suits my play needs just fine, I find that Jacks or better is not difficult to play there are generous payouts and I don't need to think as hard as if I would play some of the more complicated versions, although their payout is quite a bit higher.
I am content to know that when I am playing the Jacks or Better version of casino video poker I can win with a high pair although of I hit a flush, three of a kind, a running flush then I will be in the big money. My dream is to hit the mother of all hands, a Royal Flush. When and if the day dawns when I draw a Royal Flush I stand to get paid out 800-1 on my money if I have placed my bets properly and at even value across the five reels. While it hasn't happened yet, I live in constant hope!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Catch the latest ondits regarding bingo news

For bingo players looking to play at the top bingo UK sites Bingo Bunny is a portal to start playing from. Come here to learn all the latest ondits regarding bingo news. This site has its finger on the pulse of online bingo. A visitor here can find all the newest promotions that the various to online bingo gaming sites are offering. It makes it a good place to go for a lot of information all in one spot. The site is well designed and it is easy to find the links that go to the specific sections a visitor seeks.
Both beginner and advanced players can enjoy the things that Bingo Bunny offers its visitors. The site promotes and reviews that top twelve online UK bingo games. Each online bingo site has detailed information regarding the site it is reviewing. When reading the review the visitor will receive a lot of detailed information such as deposit information. Information such as what type of payment they take for a deposit. How much money has to be deposited. The payout bonus information is included in every review. The reader can also find out which games the site being reviewed offers. They also post what people who have actually played on the site have had to say about it. The visitor gets a full range on information regarding the online bingo sites that are reviewed.
The site also contains detailed information regarding how to play online bingo. You can find information regarding 75 ball bingo and 90 ball bingo variations. This is an easy way to learn how to play the various bingo games. It is also a place where a beginner can go and learn the basics online bingo play. No one wants to put their money on the line when they do not know how to play the game. A stop here will help a potential player learn the basic of online bingo UK style play.

For the visitor in a hurry there are a lot of interesting links on the Bingo Bunny site. Celebrity gossip is always a hot topic with UK visitors. The visitors to the bingo bunny site can click on the celebrity gossip link and be updated in just a few moments. It makes for a quick gossip fix versus having to visit all sorts of jumbled and difficult to navigate gossip sites. The site keeps the old articles so that visitors with more time can read through them. The articles are quick and easy to read and provide a good synopsis of the story.
The Bingo news is another great spot to visit. It provides all the information regarding promotions at various online bingo sites. It also promotes special contests that Bingo Bunny offers its visitors. Information is concise and can be read quickly. It is a great spot to go when in a hurry. You get pertinent information that visitors want and need without a lot of other stuff. The information is updated frequently. The newest articles appear at the top.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Every Spin of the Wheel Is a Whole New Adventure at Online Roulette

When players try their luck at online roulette, they are taking part in a kind of ongoing adventure. The reason why that is every spin of the wheel will bring unique results. Add add together all the spins of the wheel during a particular session, and you will have produced a set of results that will be either positive or negative. In other words, you will have either won or lost. It would be a very smart or lucky player that will guess in which slot the ball will land on each spin, and, of course, very wealthy too. Nobody knows what number is going to come up next, and don't let anyone tell you different. Especially these people who will try and sell you a” get rich quick at roulette” system online. No matter how many millions of spins are recorded and patterns recognized, there are few more guarded secrets than the patterns generated by online roulette.

Online casinos will never attempt to deny that the results of every spin are computer generated yet are so random that they are as difficult to predict as at a land casino where the croupier spins the wheel and throws the ball into the centre. What is true is that online casino software will openly provide the facility to check back play history over a long series of spins, Reports have it that there have been a number of online roulette players who have invested a lot of time generating statistics and are still trying to detect some kind of pattern, At least one that might repeat itself sometime within the next few years.

The chances that a player has of winning consistently at roulette is to think like the software programmers do, Develop a betting pattern to cover the table so that the chances of winning per spin are higher, which will mean lower returns per pin. Taking a long term view of casino roulette strategy should mean a higher return on investment than hoping to hit a 35-1 lucky number bet.

How I needed to learn the rules of craps so I could win

The rules of the online version of craps are identical to the land casino version, and are fairly complicated. The game is played out in two stages: before the point is made and after. The stage till the point is made is known as the "come out" and players bet on the shooter hitting either a seven or eleven before the point is made. Once the point has been established, which can be four, five, six. Eight, nine or ten, the player has to make it before they throw a seven. Now you know why players and spectators shout and get very excited when a round of craps is in process. There are also a number of side options that have nothing to do with the outcome of the game. These kind of proposition bets are on a single throw of a dice such as "any craps" (two, three or twelve) or "all the hard ways" (two twos, two three, two fours, two fives) hi-lo (twos or twelve's) and a few other similar combinations. Until the point has been made, the casino craps table will fill up with lots of similar bets. If the player throwing the dice, known as the shooter succeeds in making the point, they will more than likely be invited to continue on to the next pass, in the hope that their run of luck will continue.

Players who don't take the time to learn and understand all the rules of craps stand to miss out on the profits that they can earn by playing online craps. All of these bets can be confusing for a player and that's why they should take whatever time that they need to understand why they should or should not take on a particular bet or bet more or less money on a particular combination of bets.
The rules of craps are not easy to follow, but that doesn't mean that a player should be afraid of them and place bets that are combination of calculated and adventurous.

What I like about Sportsbook betting

All through the many years that I have liked to bet, I never really got to grips with off-course betting. Let's admit it there's nothing quite like attending a race meeting or even a night at the "dogs" with a few friends. That way you get to examine the field "in the flesh" and see how a horse or a greyhound is acting in real time and how healthy they look.
Unfortunately we don't all have the time to attend live sporting events and quite honestly till now the other alternatives just haven't appealed to me. I never enjoyed betting in a crowded, smoke filled betting shop and placing telephone bets was just too aggravating for words.
That's why when I first heard about online sportsbooks I had to check them out. And they are everything I hoped for, and more.
Since I joined my favorites sports betting site, not only my enjoyment has increase one hundred times, also my betting gains have taken a major turn for the better. I have discovered what I always suspected. That Online sportsbooks provide such a broad range of betting options. Not only that but sportsbook online betting never sleeps, has no seasons. I can be betting all year round and the vents that I am betting on are taking place in ideal weather conditions.

Add that to the fact that l can place my bets in the comfort and security of my own home without the need to carry loads of cash. All that I need to worry about is that there is enough money in my account. I can deposit with my credit card or with web wallets, which are a lot more discreet. Withdrawals also go very smoothly with access to my money almost instantaneous. I have gotten well used to the online sportsbook software, which like the customer service department is both fast and friendly, While I still enjoy my days at the track and my nights at greyhound racing, I find myself rushing home to see what kind of action is going on online. Sportsbook football betting is right for me.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How I figured out that online casino software is much more than bells and whistles

I remember the first time I ever logged into an online casino how impressed I was with everything. The software and the graphics especially knocked me out, and as someone who has worked for a few years in programming I could appreciate the hours of effort, the skills and the considerable expense that must have gone into setting this thing up. It seemed to me that I was giving up nothing from when I used to visit my local land casino and gaining so much more. I get to play when I like, wearing what I like and never have to leave my own home to play. If I have to go out of town for a day or so, I even get to take my casino with me, in my laptop or mobile phone.
It may be difficult to believe but the software that operates on-line casinos is getting more sophisticated all the time. Any regular online casino fan should learn how to use it to their advantage. Keeping track of play statistics is one way. This feature would never be available in a land casino and can work for a player in many ways. They can even replay any hand or toss of the dice that they were involved in, and learn from it. You name it, and it can be recalled. Studying playing history can help in many ways. First of all, to check out if any bad habits have crept into your play, analyse and eradicate them. It also helps to create a kind of profit or loss account to see how your casino play is going.
Online casinos use these statistics to calculate their bonuses as by doing so they can calculate how much a player is above or below the casino odds average, not for yesterday or last week, but going back for months. If they see that a player has been a loyal supporter they will deposit some money in your account to show their gratitude, even if the player has been a regular winner.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

You Can Enjoy Yourself and Still Win Some Money Playing Slots

If you ever visit a lamed casino you might notice something fairly significant. Players at the tables don't really appear to be having much of a good time. They seem to be very uptight and concentrating so much on their hands or pushing people to get a bet down, that it seems impossible that they are doing this for the fun. And then when you get to the slots section the atmosphere is different. OK there is a lot of noise especially when somebody hits a good payout but the players are having a bit of a laugh and interacting with each other. Fair enough, not too much can added about the strategies required to play slots or “fruit machines” as they were once known, The carnival atmosphere generated from the early days of fruit machines has been carried on to the online station, and in a lot of online casinos you can still find one or two digital fruit machines, and the excitement when you hit three cherries will take you back to your school days. .
Since then the major advances INM casino software technology, has allowed fruit machines to become more and more sophisticated. Although they are easier to play casino slots than they were even ten years ago, it doesn't mean that they are any less enjoyable to play on. In an online setting, the possibilities for to a player to win money are on the increase, bringing more and more players online to test their luck on the latest generation of slot machines. Nowadays player interaction is much more advanced than it ever was and while you might not be able to lean over and chat with the person on the next machine, you can be in touch with online friends through a chat facility.
Nowadays you can play online slots in the comfort and security of your own home, whenever you want and enjoy the increased opportunities to win a major jackpot than you will ever find in a land casino. Whilst online gaming finds it difficult to recreate the atmosphere of playing slots in a live casino, the scale of prizes has now become be considerably higher.

Jackpots Come In All Shapes and Sizes

I was always one of these people who never expected to win anything, or be famous or get the best looking girls when I was younger. To be honest I never craved the limelight, wasn't looking to go skiing in the Swiss Alps or break the bank at my local land casino when I went out for a night with the boys. I guess that life turned out just as I wanted it to do. Today I am happily married, two nice kids, a solid job, a mortgage and we manage to get away on holiday very year to somewhere nice but unspectacular.
I guess that how I would describe myself: nice but unspectacular. Although I do have one little pastime that I indulge myself with every now and again. I like to play online slots. The thing is that I was never an attention seeker and strange though it may seem I really don't want to win a major jackpot. I would rather go for smaller jackpots and with so many tournaments around these days; some progressive jackpot.prizes are pretty modest. There are those who might say that if you are going to win a progressive jackpot it should be as big as possible. I disagree. You see I have discovered that if you go for a progressive jackpot where there is less prize money, there is less competition for the prize and also a lot less fuss when you win. How do I know that you might well ask? The answer is that I have already won two of them, and while the prize money won't allow me to buy a gold plated Bentley which I don't need, it will certainly pay for my family holiday next year and maybe the year after.
That's why when I read in my online jackpot that someone has just won a major jackpot I feel good. Not just for the lucky winner but for me and my family also. That means that there will be lots of small jackpots around for me to take part in and hopefully take away.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Playing Rakeback Poker can Prove Profitable after Hitting Some Cards

My beloved Phillies have really started swinging well after a pretty dubious start to the season. Very rarely in the last three years have the Phillies been third and lagging behind the Braves or the Mets but with the offence starting to score at will things are certainly looking up for Manuel and his boys. Closing the gap on the Braves with granddad Moyer still throwing well and plenty in reserve this is mapping out into a good looking season all of a sudden on the back of the 7-3 run over the last 10 games.
Howard has started scoring again and Rollins is slowly finding some semblance of form after a long period out whilst Chase is getting better and will no doubt peak at the right time for the Phillies as he always does. The Blue Jays though were terrible and there is no way around that. Error after error and missing out on some at times sloppy pitching. We will have to raise our game against most other teams but you can only beat the team in front of you so it’s a good thing we did at least do that.
The last few days have been pretty good outside of the Phillies with my poker game proving quite profitable after hitting some cards and the good side of variance recently. Things had been a little dicey for a while with no real breakthroughs coming and maybe it was just the cards not falling right before but more likely the bad run has tightened my game up a lot.
I’ve been putting a lot of time in both on the tables earning rakeback from my provider www.rakebackpoker.com and also looking at where I’m winning and losing money. I’ve been tracking it all very closely using the technology that is available and hopefully I’ve started to eliminate some of the plays that have been costing me in the past.
With a few days until payday from www.rakebackpoker.com I’ve been spending a lot of time churning for rakeback poker without really looking to earn that much from the actual play as there are a lot of promotions going on at the moment that are definitely worth winning.
Will see how we play absolute poker rakeback and let you know how it goes.

Monday, June 28, 2010

The Best Site to Get Information on Top UK Bingo Sites

Bingo Bunny makes playing bingo at the UK’s top online bingo sites easier to do. The developers at Bingo Bunny have redesigned the site so that it acts as a portal for online bingo play. Players visit Bingo Bunny to review the wealth of information that is provided on top UK bingo sites. This information assists the player to choose a top bingo site that meets their personal preferences. This approach to playing online bingo eliminates the time a player would normally spend personally checking out the sites on their own.
Checking out individual online bingo sites is not only time consuming it is frustrating. Upon visiting the online bingo site a player attempts to glean the information needed to determine if this is a place they are willing to put time, money and personal information into. Yet the proof is in the pudding so to speak because the player cannot really tell about the site until they play. Repeating this process over and over again can result in the player losing all interest in the game. At Bingo Bunny potential players eliminate this process, the work has already been done and the top ten UK online bingo sites are represented.
The goal of the reviews is to provide a potential player with an overview of the online bingo site. Each site has a bunny rating that has been determined based on various categories of information. The developers spent time in chat rooms, on blogs and playing at the sites to gather the information needed to rate the rooms. Each review contains information regarding how much free bingo money the room gives you, steps to sign up to play and user reviews. They also included things such as how deposit bonuses are paid out, deposit options, the cost of the bingo cards. Most of the sites offer more than one type of bingo game. At Bingo Bunny you can also find out what games are offered at each site.

There is more to be found on Bingo Bunny that just the site reviews. You can read about the latest online bingo news. The section contains frequent editorial type articles about the world of online bingo. A player can go here and find out such stuff and why online bingo is such a popular game or even quizzes to win online bingo cash. Also included on the site is a celebrity gossip section to catch up on all the latest information from the rich and famous.
If the person is somewhat new to online bingo then Bingo Bunny features a section where a potential player can go and learn all about how to play online bingo. This area covers the basics of the game, tips and strategies as well as information on how to get started. Even an experienced player can come to this section to learn about some of the variations on the traditional bingo game such as 75 or 90 ball bingoes. Bingo Bunny can provide a player with valuable resources and information to make online bingo more interesting.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bingo Chat Explained

It was just a few years ago that the online casino industry began to operate online bingo rooms. They did so to fill a gap and answer a demand to replace all of these local bingo halls that had closed down due to rising costs. The online bingo halls turned out to be a great success, with players in their tens of thousands logging in every day to take part in a bingo session or two.

Bingo was always a social game and players began to complain that that was what was missing in the online version. So the software programmers were presented with the task of creating chat facilities, which they soon came up with. The only problem was that it was a type chat and not an audio one, which slowed down the process a lot and eroded its spontaneity.

So what has happened is that bingo players have developed their own form of chat lingo which allows them to pass on abbreviated messages, similar to that you will find in texts or Twitter.
Bingo lovers, the more they play and chat, the more they learn and polish up their chat dialect. Most beginners learn to stick to the bingo chat basics until they really get a feel for it. Like learning any new language, building a bingo chat vocabulary can take time, and players should never use the chat lingo as long until they become reasonably very familiar with it.
There are a number of reference sites that can be accessed online that contain a detailed list of the entire online bingo review chat lingo. The availability of such information has become a godsend to many players, although they should never try to be a bingo chat "snob" and bring in terminology that might either scare of players or antagonise them. Never be afraid to tell a fellow bingo fan who can hail from anywhere in the World, for a translation If you still don't understand. Your new online friend may have come from anywhere else in the World but their language will still be bingo chat.
For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.mrsbingo.com/

How I brought my own strategies to Video Poker

I have always loved a game of poker and have tried just about every version of it. I have played draw, stud and up to Texas Hold'em. I have played in private games, in land casinos and more recently and more often in online poker rooms. Poker is to me the best card game on the planet, offering such a wide range of thrills and excitement, as well as levels of intellectual stimulation that no other game can match. Or at least that's what I think!

When a friend first told me about video poker, I have to confess that I didn't take him too seriously. I was a bit of a "poker snob" and I enjoyed all the action around playing poker with real people that I never thought that I could ever enjoy playing poker against a machine, even one that made the game really easy and enjoyable to play on.

So one day when I found myself with a little time to spare I thought I would give the online video poker game a chance, more to get my friend off my back than anything else. To my great surprise I quickly found myself getting to grips with the game, and saw the potential that it had for someone like me, who knows poker and can calculate the odds and eventualities.
For the good or the bad, there are no other players to compete against and that gives a player a clear head to concentrate on one set of strategies. There are no bluffing, blind bets, antes and all the rest to worry about. It’s a simple "man against machine" and a pretty smart machine at that!

I quickly sussed out that one of the major advantages of play video poker online in particular is that a player need never be rushed into making a decision and that every hand can be analysed carefully. Strategy decision can be made with analysing how to make the best of each hand being the priority.
Today I spend a lot of time playing video poker and I acknowledge that it is and enjoyable and stimulating as any other version of poker. But don't tell my friend I told you.
For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.mrsvideopoker.com/

We All Start With a Clean Sheet When We Play Online Roulette

Just about everything we do at online roulette represents a challenge of some sort. When we decide to embark on a roulette session for whatever reason we should come to the table armed with the following:
• Some knowledge of how to play the game, or at least how the betting cycle works. Roulette is one of the few casino games where the player has absolutely no influence on the outcome of the game, so knowing how to bet is very important.
• A reasonable amount of money to play with. If a player makes a deposit of around fifty pounds, they should not be reluctant to ask their online casino customer service department for a match bonus. When they should decide to ask for the bonus is also significant. Some players prefer to ask for the bonus before they commence play, so they know exactly how much of a bonus they will be getting and how much they will have to play with. Other players prefer to ask for the bonus only once they have played away their stake money. They make this decision only because that if they do get lucky while playing with their own stake money, they don't have to meet any form of minimum wagering requirements before making a withdrawal. Any player who has been given a bonus, even if they haven't asked for it or played on it, still have to honour the wagering requirements.
• The most important thing that an online roulette player should take into account is their expectations of how much they want to win. Most of us would like to win a fortune at casino roulette, but it would take an illogically huge amount of luck to do so, at least consistently. Instead a player who has banked fifty pounds and been given a fifty pound bonus should be happy if they wind up the session ten pounds ahead.
• The entertainment factor is something that shouldn't ever be forgotten. That’s what we are supposed to be playing for, and winning is always a bonus.

For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.mrroulette.com/

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sports Book Betting Online is the Best You Can Get

I like action. I admit it. When you hear these stories about people who bet on two flies running up a wall. I wouldn't quite say that I have reached that stage, but if my sports book could offer me some odds, I might consider taking them.

What I do like is to bet on sporting events, and not only in the UK, but those that are taking place all over the World, all year round and all around the clock. Let's be honest, since online sportsbook betting came on the scene, people like me who like to bet were starved of opportunities.

Before they came along, the only way I had of placing a bet was over the counter in my local commission agent, which totally lacked in spontaneity as well as offering me the opportunity to place bets in real time maybe eight or ten hours a day, and at best six days a week. With online sports betting, my bookie never closes, and is manned by friendly and efficient staff that is on call whenever I need them.

Sports book online betting is relatively new to the internet and it certainly has made a difference to me and the way that I place my bets. I am no longer limited to what I can bet on, and even more important, when. Online sports book betting allows me the time to study my bets and spread them. When the racing season ends in the UK, I can wager on race meeting in Australia, South Africa or even in South America where the season is just beginning. With the amount of information coming at me from the internet, I can place my best with confidence that I am up to date with all that is happening in any sport no matter the location.

So if you like a bet and are looking for best way of placing them, then sportsbook football betting has to be for you too. Take my advice and find yourself an online sports book. I promise you that you will never look back.

For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.mrsportsbook.com/

Spin Out Your Slots Plays with Bonuses

Anyone who was a fan of the Rocky movies will always remember how "the Italian Stallion" took all these tremendous blows to the head, and explained to his corner that taking and absorbing these blows were part of his tactics. And some time his opponent would get tired out from hitting Rocky so hard and the champ would come in and put him to sleep. Not that playing slots can be compared to being punched repeatedly in the head and body, but what Rocky was doing is what slots players should also be doing- buying time.
For some reason it very rarely happens that an online slots player will get online and with the first spin of the wheel will win a major prize. Although there is no reason why it can't happen. , Most players who hit a jackpot usually do after playing for some time, and sometimes after holding a wheel for a few spins in order to improve their chances. That means that a player needs money to play and keep them in contention for taking down a major jackpot prize. And why should a player finance their player all by themselves. Online casinos understand that a player will need a bit of help now and again and will happily extend a match deposit bonus, that will allow their players the chance of a lot more spins.
When a casino slots player asks for a bonus, the casino management will always look at their gaming history especially the size of recent deposits and how the gaming percentages have been. It is rare indeed for an online casino to refuse a player a bonus if they have been depositing, even if they have made a few withdrawals. And it might be the next spin after the bonus has been credited that will win the player a nice cash prize. The risk that a player takes in asking for a bonus is that they will need to meet the terms and conditions of the bonus awarded before they can withdraw their profits. Sometimes they can play for a while and even lose some money before reaching the threshold and are eligible to make a withdrawal. It may be a bit of a blow but nowhere near as bad as those that Rocky used to take.
For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.mrslots.com/

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Win a Jackpot Prize Playing Video Poker

You might be surprised to know that there are a lot of poker players who are switching their allegiances to video poker and for a few reasons. Not every player wants to play cash games of tournaments against other players and would prefer to play against the house. One of the principal barriers that stopped many poker players from switching to video poker was the limits in prize money that could be had by playing video poker against the house.
Nowadays a player can enjoy the best of both worlds, because thanks to certain innovations by online casino management, followers of video poker can now have the chance of winning a jackpot prize by taking part and winning a video poker progressive online jackpot promotion.

There are a number of versions of video poker around that you can play online, and as is the case with most video slot games, they start a very low level of difficulty with the difficulty levels at the top being very high indeed. High level! The higher the level the higher the prizes even in normal play, with floating cards being common. Floating cards can mean that a player can draw five aces and the chances of hitting a royal flush much higher. If you hit a royal flush (a same suit sequence of Ace, King, Queen, Jack and Ten) you can get odds as high as 800-1, and that’s over and above any progressive jackpots. Many online casinos run ongoing tournaments at higher level video poker games where the aim is to be the first player to hit a royal flush. If a player succeeds in hitting a "natural royal flush" that is with no floating cards the prize will be so much higher.

All of these permutations and possibilities have made online video poker an increasingly hot favourite among players, with the element of winning a progressive jackpot prize adding another touch of spice. It's no wonder that you will find fewer players in the online poker rooms and more trying their luck and mathematical skills in the video poker rooms.

For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.mrjackpot.com/

Why You Need To Get Into Craps Tournaments

Nobody likes to try and beat the system although it can sometimes be done. Playing against the house odds at any online casino game is not everybody's cup of tea, and you can include craps in that list. That's why more and more online craps lovers are taking the tournament path .They have figured out that they can get a first class evening's entertainment for a fixed sum, and if the role of the dice is running their way, they might even find themselves winning a first prize which can be considerable of even a runner's up prize, which is not to be sniffed at.
These days there is a lot happening on the online casino scene, so much so that it is sometimes difficult to keep track. One thing for sure is that they have been figured out by online casino marketing teams to make the player experience better, and all the time. There are a lot of online casinos all vying for the business among the online players.Something that works very well on their behalf. Every penny being spent in online casinos is being competed for, and that's why the online casinos are keeping their ear to the ground to discover what players want.
That's why online tournaments have become so popular, coming from the highly successful Texas Hold'em tournament concept. In online tournaments, players never play against the house, and instead against each other with the online casino management taking a percentage of the ante to cover their costs.
One of the first games to be tested was and the idea caught on very well, the competitors in these tournaments liked the idea of not playing directly against the house. The tournament format had to be altered completely for craps as it unworkable in a knockout format. .
Instead play craps tournaments are based on a "beat the clock" formula. That means that each participant is allocated the same amount of "playing chips", which they use to play against the casino.The player who is left with the most chips at the end of the tournament wins. What could be simpler!
For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.mrcraps.com/

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Splitting Pairs and Splitting Hairs Are Not the Same Thing

I have always found playing blackjack such an exciting game because no one hand is the same, and situations can arise that have a knock on effect as to how the hand will turn out. Decisions have to be made that are pretty fundamental to the outcome of the hand, and opportunities to win money can go a begging. Any blackjack player who is in for the long haul will need to have a game plan prepared to handle any situation as it occurs. They will need to know how to make the best of it.
One of the most interesting challenges that can arise in the middle of a blackjack situation is the opportunity to split pairs. Experienced online blackjack players usually welcome the opportunity to split pairs and will rarely split hairs about the dilemma.
The pairs that can be split are aces, deuces, sixes, sevens, eights and nines. As you can imagine, just because you can split a pair shouldn't necessarily mean that you have to. Aces and deuces should always be split, even if the dealer is holding an ace or a face. The truth is that splitting deuces is a must to do, as the permutations that it opens are considerable. In many cases splitting deuces will lead to at least one double if not two, which means that from one hand, a player has the chance to win (of lose) four times their original bet. Aces are also always worth splitting, as long as you bear in mind that you are only allowed to draw one card, so theoretically you could end up with a hand with a maximum value of twelve (two aces), although statistically this is highly unlikely.
Sixes are the least attractive pair as the possibilities are limited.
Sevens and eights are on the borderline of being good splitting pairs. Doubling is always a possibility and if you draw a face card you still have a hand. Splitting nines are always a dilemma as you need to break up a winning hand in the hope of improving it. All in all splitting is one of the most interesting playing permutations in play blackjack, and it's no wonder that experienced players run their hands in anticipation of them coming along.
For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.mrblackjack.com/

How I Started To Understand the Online Casino Withdrawal Issue

As an experienced online player with a few years of experience under my belt, I can't help but stifle a smile when I hear about other, less experienced players complaining about how they almost got ripped off when they went to withdraw some winnings from an online casino. If I have heard this once I must have heard it a dozen times, and it seems that these players almost took the law into their own hands when they describe the struggle they had getting paid out. I almost know what is coming next when these players self righteously explain that they were asked to provide identification details before their money could be released and their further indignation when they point out to the customer service department that "we weren't asked to identify ourselves when we were making deposits". What these players didn't realise or never took the time to check out was that online casinos don't make their members go through this procedure for the sport, or because they want to cheat them out of their money. The only reason is that international law regarding cash transfers has decreed that it be so.

On the other hand it might be easy to understand that where online players feel the most vulnerable is when it comes down to making a withdrawal. With, regulations often demanding that a player provide identification details before their withdrawal can be released. It is in the online casino interest to make sure that the process goes through as quickly and smoothly as possible. What is usually required is some form of photo identification and a utility bill; these items are best sent as scanned e-mail attachments.

Once the identification process has been completed, the withdrawal can be processed and should find its way into the player's account with 24 hours. Identification details are usually only asked for in the case of first time withdrawals, or when the withdrawal is really large or when the online casino's security department detects unusual patterns in a client's account.

For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.mrcasinos.com/

Thursday, May 27, 2010

At Online Casinos I Can Change My Luck Along With My Table

As a best casino lover from way back, if there is one thing that I have learned as that a run of luck will always come to end. It’s a great feeling when you are winning. It seems like every turn of the card, spin of the wheel or toss of the dice has been planned in advance, and it just doesn't seem right that it has to change. But it will, and it has cost me a lot of money over the years to learn that signs that winds of change are blowing in your direction, and it's time to get up from that comfy chair and a situation that is about to change, and for the worst. When I used to play in land casinos, I made it a practice never to look back, and for two reasons. First of all I didn't want to see if the person who took my chair would continue to be on a "roll", and I also wanted to play at another game, because I reckoned that I had used up all of my luck on that game for a day, a week or maybe a lifetime.

The other reason was that I didn't want to stop playing, and see if I could push my luck on another game. Something that wasn't always easy to do, especially if the tables are crowded. That is not a problem now that I play online all of the time. Nowadays when I think my winning streak is winding down, all I do is switch games. No need to put all my chips in a ray or in my pockets it's all done for me.

Nowadays as an experienced online player with experience of playing a lot of games my playing skills are so diverse that I can play any table game I want and switch them around whenever the mood takes or when I start to feel that I am staying too long at any one game., and start to play a new game with a clean sheet and the knowledge to beat the odds. That's what diversity at online play can bring you.

For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.hotcasinodeal.com/

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Online Bingo, More Fun for Less Cost!

Playing bingo is a great way of letting go the stresses of daily life, but it doesn’t come cheap in either time or money, but playing online bingo has a number of advantages that mean you can benefit from the plus side of the game without some of the expense involved in going to a bingo hall.
When playing traditional bingo, once you’ve decided where you’re going you then need to decide what you’re going to wear. You then spend time putting on make-up and making sure your hair looks good – it might be bingo but it’s still a social meeting so you have to look decent if not exactly your best. The financial implications of a night at the bingo can run high if you add up all the little extra costs such as travel expenses, baby sitter fees and even a cup of coffee or two.
Playing online bingo however means that you play in the comfort of your own home. You don’t need to dress up to impress anyone; instead you can wear whatever you feel most comfortable in, even your pyjamas and slippers!
One of the main advantages of online bingo is that you can play it when it suits you. You don’t have to stress about getting there at a certain time because your game starts when you sit down and choose a card or two. You can even enjoy a few games of online bingo if the kids are still up. If they are watching their favourite programme on television, log in to your virtual bingo hall and enjoy a game until it’s time to start their bedtime routine. Whether you have 5 minutes or a few hours to enjoy, you control the time you spend at the online bingo site.
Online bingo can be paid for real cash which you put into your bingo account at your chosen site through a relatively simply process of electronic money transfer, but you can also find a number of sites that offer free games. This means that you can still enjoy the game even if your housekeeping doesn’t stretch to a bingo account. The free online play bingo games are also a great way of exploring various sites to see which one seems the best one for you.
Set up a free account at a number of bingo sites and play games there over a couple of weeks. Chat with other players as you play and you’ll find you get to know the “regulars”. Once you feel comfortable with the sites and have got to know some of the other players through the chat you’ll be able to decide which online bingo site offers you the kind of social experience you’re looking for.
For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.bunnybingo.com/

Friday, May 21, 2010

I Can Even Play Online Bingo When I Am Not Online

These days there is virtually nothing you can't do online, and not only that but, thanks to wireless technology, flash software and iPhones and suchlike, there is no reason why you can't be hooked up to the internet everywhere you are. Some say for the bad or the good. I like to be online, and I love to play online bingo, However sometimes because of the demands of my business schedule, which means that I have to attend meetings in the evening, I have to miss out on my favourite bingo review session more often that I would like.
The truth is that there are certain jackpot games that I really don't like to miss, and I used to get quite upset when one of them coincided with a business meeting. To be honest there was a couple of times that I even thought I would be able to play the jackpot in the background on my laptop. I was afraid that if I won I would call out "Bingo" in the middle of the meeting so I put that particular idea on hold.
However my friends down at my favourite online bingo room have come up with a solution which, while it is not quite ideal, is really innovative. I can now buy and fill up my cards in advance, and take part in the jackpot draw even if I am offline.
Of course if I am not online when the jackpot game is in progress, and miss out on the excitement and chatting with my online friends, but I can always do that anytime. However by working and playing bingo at the same time I increase my earning chances two fold. To be since I discovered that I can pre-play bingo, I have been scheduling quite a number of games that I would not normally take part in. Sometimes before I go to bed, I fill in a few cards and when I wake up in the morning there is a small prize waiting for me. Not quite the tooth fairy but the next best thing.
For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.mrsbingo.com/

When You Hit the Double Zero Think About Bugsy

Rumour has it that when Las Vegas was built in the late forties much of the seed capital came from "mob money". Anyone who ever saw the film "Bugsy" will recall the scene where the principal character was a true figure known as Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel who had a dream to build a casino city in Las Vegas in the very heart of the Nevada desert.

Unfortunately for Bugsy his dream was to become a reality but too late for our hero. Before the lights came on in Vegas, Bugsy was sent to the next life largely as a result of his "partners" impatience with Bugsy for the slow return on their investment. Once the first casino was built, and players began to trickle in, the owners decided that they had a real captive audience. They decided to push the odds in their favour at roulette by adding another zero, pushing the house odds up to 5.7% in their favour. Who was going to complain?

Ever since then, double zeros have been a feature at US land casinos, and nobody ever succeeded in convincing the land casinos to drop it. Why should they, if players were prepared to play on the tables. Some land casinos do offer a form of insurance, where players can re-double their bets when the ball lands on a double zero. That way they don't lose their original bets, but instead get paid only half on the next spin.

Since the online revolution hit, US players, at least this who live in states where internet gaming is legal, no longer have to play on double zero casino roulette tables, although there are some who still choose to do so. They are usually players who cover the table with low odds bets and are prepared to protect their stake by paying out a form of insurance by betting on single and double zero. In online roulette, where betting is automated, covering the table and taking your time to do it is a possibility, something that you wouldn't have dared to do in Bugsy's casino.

For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.mrroulette.com/

Monday, May 10, 2010

It Was Worth the Time and Trouble to Learn Video Poker Strategy

I used to love to play table games, first of all on land casinos, when I had no other choice, and even more so in online casinos when they first started to appear on the scene. After a while I started to get a bit frustrated because the games that I used to play weren't giving me the excitement that I was looking for. Texas Hold'em poker was the nearest I could find, but I just didn't have the time to take part in the tournaments, and the same applied to the cash games. My job and family commitments meant that I could only play online for an hour or so every time, and I wanted to find a game that I could play on my own, against the house, but with the excitement of Poker.
So, a couple of years ago when a friend suggested to me that I should take a look at what video poker had to offer, I must admit that my curiosity was aroused. I always thought that Video poker was like a slot game and all I had to do was press a button all day long. I wanted a game that tickled my intellect a little, so I was kind of skeptical when I first began to take a look at the potential of being an online video poker player.
The first conclusion that I got to was that if you don’t know or want to learn proper poker strategy, then play video poker is not for you. Luckily I had a reasonable background in poker so I knew where to begin. At the beginning I made my share of mistakes, and I began to fear that Video Poker, much as it was exciting, might be too expensive a form of gambling for me. So I took a step back, swallowed my pride a little, and exercised my right to play as a guest till I got a real feel for the game and its strategies. Now I can tell you that it was worth the time and trouble to learn video poker strategy, and I am enjoying my online casino play more than ever.
For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.mrsvideopoker.com/

I Don't Feel Naught Any More When I Play Online Slots

I remember when I was a kid (and that wasn't yesterday) spending some of my pocket money in this ancient fruit machine in the local grocery store. I'm not sure if it was legal or not, but I remembered the excitement as the wheel spun round in a somewhat rickety fashion, and if the bars or the cherries came up, school caps were thrown in the air, as the three-penny coins flowed out. Or at least I remember it that way. Nobody knew or cared about percentage pay out levels in these days, but I am sure they were very low.
So a few years later, when I made my first visit to a land casino, a wave of emotion and nostalgia came over me as I saw a line of "fruit machines" lined up in a corner. On closer inspection, I could see that they were much more sophisticated and advanced than the old "clunker" that I would furtively play on. Someone had even produced single level online slots that were based on the old fruit machine that I knew and loved in my childhood. But it was no longer so noisy and erratic, and instead of putting in penny coins, I was putting in two bob bits and getting paid out in fifty pence pieces. There were also much larger five reels, multi spin slots that captured my imagination, and I have to admit that it wasn't too long before I abandoned my old favourite for something faster moving
A few years ago, when online casinos were popping up like wild flowers in spring, I must have been one of the first players knocking on their door. And when I got in I found that whatever the land casinos could do, the online casinos could do but a lot better. Such a choice of games, so many challenges and so much excitement. And they keep getting better all the time. However every now and again I think of my first love, that rickety old slot machine. And I don't feel naughty any more.
For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.mrslots.com/

Sports book Betting Is Right down My Street

I am not ashamed to admit that I am online player who likes action and for that reason it really suits me that sports betting went on line when it did. Since I joined my favorite sportsbook betting site, my betting statistics have really improved. They present me with such a broad range of betting options that go on around the clock, take a very low voguish on my bets, and even manage to throw me in a bonus now and again. There is so much more to online sportsbookbetting than you will ever find in any of these high street bookies that I used to have to go to place my bets. First or all I don't have to ever leave my home to place my bet and I never have to deal in cash. All that I need to do is make sure that my account is kept topped up, which I usually do thorough my credit card, although the last few months I have been using some of the web wallets as well. They are more discreet and easy to work with. Making a withdrawal at my online sportsbook is also a very smooth and straightforward experience. Some months I just let the money roll up to the end of the month, and withdraw my profits then. I have no fear whatsoever about leaving money on deposit at my sportsbook as they are part of an international chain. To be honest, when I used to bet for cash and won some money, I was so nervous about taking the cash from the pay out that I used to ask for cheques which could take days to clear. I used to bet through phone services but they would take an age to answer the phone, the lines were never that clear, and the person at the other end didn't always know what I was talking about. With online sportsbooks this is never a problem, access is instantaneous, the software is fast and user friendly and I can have my bets down in minutes. Yes, Sportsbook betting is right down my street.
For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.mrsportsbook.com/

My Dream Is To Win a Progressive Jackpot

We all have our dreams. Some of us would like to climb Mount Everest; others would like to swim the English Channel. My dream is a lot simpler, I would like to win a progressive jackpot playing my favorite slots game. I have been playing online for quite a few years now, and while I think I get good value for money, what with all these bonuses and loyalty points they keep giving me, as well as having won a few relatively juicy jackpots, I live for the moment when the sirens start to wail and I get to take the big prize.

Not that I believe that it will happen, but I have to say that I think the chances are improving all the time. My feeling is that while the chances of winning progressive jackpots have been in the millions, these days they are getting better all the time. It's not that I have just found a four leaf clover it's just that there seems to be more and more of these progressive jackpots going on these days online. While I can't take part in all of them, there are other players like me, who are. And by my way of thinking, that increases my chances of winning a progressive online jackpot in the promotions that I am taking part in.

I know that there are more and more online casinos these days, and there are many who are part of a pretty big chain and others who are linked by using the same software, making for more players and larger jackpot prizes. To be honest, when I first began to have my dream the first prizes in these progressive jackpot competitions were so high, and now they are so much higher. That means I am prepared to make a compromise and set for a second prize or even a third prize in a progressive jackpot competition, on my favorites slots games. After all, I am old enough to realise that not all dreams can come true. Only the reasonable ones.

For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.mrjackpot.com/

How I Caught Onto Betting the Box Numbers

I like to play craps online, although I used to steer clear of it in when a used to go and play in land casinos. To be honest playing any table game at a land casino was always a bit traumatic for me, because I was never one for pushing and shoving, and racing against the stickman to get my best down in time. When I first discovered online casinos, I took some time to play craps, first as a guest player, and then for real money. Online craps is a whole new ball game (or dice game to be more exact) and I found I was enjoying it more and more, as well as making some profit from playing. The fact that I had all the time that I needed to place my bets and statistics to study after each session certainly helped me. I eventually got a feel as to how I should spread my bets, and which ones were better value than others.
That's when I caught on the betting the box numbers, and discovered that is one of the more sympathetic bets that you can make at online craps. I analysed that risk in betting the box numbers is fairly low, and the returns fairly high. I like to place my bets automatically when I play craps online, and it certainly makes life a lot easier for a system player like me. So when the "come out" is on, all my proposition bets are off, and as soon as the point has been made they come up again.
Box numbers are the numbers four, five, six, eight, nine and ten. Once the point has been established, these bets come on again automatically, and any time the any of these numbers are hit, I get around even money on my bet. If I succeed in making the point, I get paid out twice, as I usually bet on making the point as well. If I throw a seven I lose my box numbers bets, and have to replace them. If luck is going my way a can usually get a few wins before the seven or he point lands, making betting the box numbers a worthwhile bet.
For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.mrcraps.com/

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I Have Just Become a VIPs at My Favorite Online Casino and I Love It

I certainly have caught the online gaming bug, and I have to admit that it has become my principal form of entertainment these days. I spend a lot of time away from home on business and can pass my time playing my favorite casino games when I am stuck in a hotel room and airport departure lounge. Playing online is very stimulating and some time the time passes so fast that I have to rush to catch my plane.
As far as playing is concerned, I reckon I am holding my own, and my favorite online casino have been backing me up with bonuses, sometimes even if I don't ask for them. Last week I even got an e-mail from them inviting me to become a VIP player with them. Oh, oh I thought. Here comes the scam that everyone was talking about, what are they going to charge me to become a VIP.
I was soon pleasantly surprised to discover that I had nothing to pay and everything to gain by becoming a VIP. I always thought that online casinos treat their regular customers well, but now I know that they treat their VIPs even better.
The first question I asked Sandra, the VIP service manager what I had done to deserve such an honour, I knew that I had been depositing regularly over the last few months, but I had also made my fair share of withdrawals. Sandra explained that VIP memberships are not handed out to players who are losing, that are not the criteria. Instead they are awarded to players who support the casino, spend a lot of time playing online. Being involved in marketing myself, I understood her explanation fully.
So what does it mean to be a VIP at an online casino? First and foremost, online casinos have their own VIP lounge where players are given first- hand knowledge of the latest promotions and tournaments some of which are exclusive to VIPs. In addition, VIPs are pampered not just by bonuses, but also by handsome and exclusive gifts on birthday and special occasions. A little touch but it's nice.
For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.mrcasinos.com/

Monday, May 3, 2010

How I Increased the Blackjack Odds in My Favor Using Match Deposit Bonuses

We have all hear the myths about these huge land casinos in Vegas, Atlantic City or even Macao who hand out some pretty fabulous "comps" to their big money players, These comps start from free meals, complementary hotel rooms and even suites up to sending limos to pick you up from the airport or even sending a private jet to take bring you from anywhere in the country. These are things that you dream about and see in the movies, and while it's all very glamorous, the one thing that even the most generous land casino will never do that online casinos will very rarely do, that land casinos do every day is give players money to play with.
I figured out why and since I did, I now get tremendous value of for my deposits by playing with their money. I figured out that online casinos are business people who earn their profits by people playing and losing their money at their casinos. I think that is fair enough and we all know that the odds in online casinos are much more in favor of the player than these "generous" land casinos. I also noticed that if I make a deposit to play some blackjack and don't do so well, then if I ask nicely, I will always get a bonus, sometimes against the money I already deposited but usually only if I make another deposit. Let's say that once I have made my deposit, been given a bonus and start to play, that lady luck and my superior blackjack skills allow me to start winning, when I go to make a withdrawal, I have to meet the withdrawal terms and conditions of the bonus I received, and none of the play that I made before I got the bonus will be taken into account.
When the penny dropped with me on that, I changed my entire concept for online blackjack play. These days before I sit down to play an online casino blackjack session, I contact the customer services department of my favorite online casino and ask for a bonus against my deposit, as well as the wagering terms and conditions. They already know that I am shopping around for the best deal, and will usually meet my request. So when I start my session, I maybe half or the money I am playing with is bonuses, and the odds are already in my favour.

For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.mrblackjack.com/

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Why I Like To Play Bingo from Home

I have always enjoyed a game of bingo and I still remember how much I used to enjoy getting out of the hose one or sometimes two evenings a week and go down to the local bingo hall with my friends and play. It was as much a social gathering as anything else, and sometimes we would stop in for a drink at the pub on the way home. The only thing that was wrong with that is I would get home late, and with three kids under the age of five at that time, I would be exhausted all of the next day.

Things change, and one of the changes that we had to cope with in our little town was that the bingo hall closed down. Our evenings were a lot emptier but on the upside we had a lot more time and energy to spend with our kids. But they grow up and are now at school, so I have a lot more time to myself. And guess what has come back to help me fill it? You guessed it, online bingo.
Thanks to the power of the internet, I can now play whenever I want in the comfort and safety of my own home. And another thing.

Most evenings, my house is full of noisy children, with music and televisions blaring away, and there is no chance of me playing a game of bingo with all of that racket and commotion going on. So what do I do?

During the day, after my husband has set off for work, the kids are at school and the house is nice and clean and quiet, I log on to my favourite online bingo room and play a few games. Such is the power of the internet that it doesn't matter when I want to play, there is always a game going on somewhere, in another corner of the globe. It seems that every day new people are discovering what I did. That it can be very pleasant to spend some quality time play bingo online. And why not, I earned it.

For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.bunnybingo.com/

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I Found That Playing In Slots Progressives Needs Some Planning

Since I started playing online slots, I decided that I wanted the best of both
worlds, I wanted to enjoy myself and win. And not only win, but win big. So I decided that I would try my best to only pay on slots that were part of a progressive jackpot promotion. Some of my friends said that was something impossible to do, as there just weren't enough promotions around. Boy, were they wrong. I did some research and found that here are progressive jackpot tournaments going on all the time, and on all of my favourite web sites.

The next thing that they told me was that I was making a mistake, and an expensive one at that, by playing slots on machines that were involved in progressive jackpots tournaments only. They told me that the chances of winning one of these huge money prizes were pretty low, and I would run out of money before I hit one, if I ever did. So I got back on line to check this theory out too, and once again I discovered that my "friends" didn't really know what they were talking about. I discovered that the casinos and the casino software development companies that organise these tournaments actually finance them from a share of the profits that they make while the tournament is running. Let's say that for every pound that goes into a slot, one or two pence are set aside to be part of the prize money. When the jackpot kitty has reached a certain figure, then it is up for grabs. And the next player who hits a certain combination wins it. Even though it might have been their first spin in the tournament or the one hundred and first. That’s the chance that you take. So I find myself playing in progressive jackpot casino slots tournaments all the time, winning some playing cash, keeping my stake organised having some fun and hoping that the next spin I make will be the big one. It works for me and it also works for all these "friends" who now also only play progressive jackpot slots.

For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.mrslots.com/

I Never Dreamed I Would Win an Online Jackpot

Like most of you players who like to test your online skills now and again, here is a story that might capture your imagination. And it happened to me.
I was passing a fairly typical evening at home. There was nothing very interesting on the television, my husband was out of town on a business trip, the kids were tucked up in bed, and I wasn't particularly tired so I thought I pass an hour so playing some online slots. So I logged onto my favourite online casino, and loaded up my favourite slot game, Aztec Treasure. I like the game a lot because it offers me a lot of possibilities such as free bonus slots and I find that I get a better payout than with a lot more of the regular slot machines that I have tried online. I must admit that I was so used to playing Aztec Treasure that I didn't notice that there was a progressive jackpot going on and it was very much at its final stages. So there I was playing away, holding my own, and actually considering calling at a day when all of a sudden, pandemonium broke out. I had hit the winning combination and won the first prize in the progressive online jackpot competition. I was taken so by surprise, and immediately contacted the customer service department by freefone to confirm that I was indeed the lucky winner, They seemed even more excited than I was, and they were actually very proud that their casino had produced the winner as apparently the competitors came from a number of online casinos that shared the same software.
They explained the few simple procedures I would need to go through to confirm my identity before withdrawing the money, and they promised me that I would get my cheque delivered by courier with 24 hours of my documents arriving and being confirmed. With such a large sum of money coming to me, I kept my head and had the documents on their way to them within minutes through e-mail. I then phoned my husband who was stuck in a hotel somewhere in the North. He was already asleep at the time, but I couldn't wait till the morning. I remember the dull thump as he fell out of bed till this day.
For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.mrjackpot.com/

Monday, April 19, 2010

Don't be scared of online roulette

Until I discovered online gaming, I have to admit that I was always scared of roulette. When I used to go to land casinos I always wanted to try my hand at blackjack or even poker now and again, because I wanted to be involved in the game and "shape my own destiny: Usually the destiny and my bank role took on a bit of a different shape, and it was usually a lot thinner than when I came in to the casino. Despite that, I just couldn't get to grips with the idea that I was placing my money on the table and had no way of influencing the result of the spin.

However when I joined my first online casino, and discovered that playing as a guest was not a con trick, I decided that I would take the time to learn what the game of casino roulette was all about, and how it had become and remained one of the most popular table casino games in the World. The realisation came to me gradually that it doesn't matter that I can't have any influence on where the ball lands in the wheel, it matters how I place and value my bets to cover a reasonable amount of eventualities that would give me a profit, out of each playing session.

One thing that used to bother me a lot watching roulette in a land casino was the amount of pressure on the players to get their bets down on time. I used to think that that was very unfair, as it didn't give every player a chance to bet as much as they wanted. Gradually as I played my way as guest, I began to realise that it was part of the strategy of the casino croupiers that would allow players enough time to place the sucker bets that paid 20-1 upwards and to block the thinking players who were betting strategically and expecting returns of even money but on every spin.

With online roulette that’s not a problem, as I control the speed of the game, and once my bets have been placed, I can let them stay in place, sit back and hopefully watch the profits mount up.

For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.mrroulette.com/

Thursday, April 15, 2010

What Makes Online Bingo Special for Me

To the average UK citizen, bingo is no stranger. In fact most of us grew up with it, with mum and sometimes even dad going out together once or twice a week to play "housy-housy" as the used to call it, and even their excitement when they won a prize. Even a second prize would make them pretty happy too, as I recall. If my memory serves me well, I also used to play a form of bingo as a child. It was a board game called lotto with the only difference being that there were pictures instead of numbers on the board. What did they expect; after all we were only children.
I guess that my childhood memories of bingo were only positive ones, and it gained a place in my heart. Till one day my mother came home bearing sad news. Our local bingo hall was closing down. It was going the way of the dance hall where my parents met, and the cinema where they went on their first dates, and I went as a child to watch the latest spectaculars, although they did seem to arrive in our little town much later than everywhere else.
I was lucky to reach my late teens just when the internet revolution was really starting to take off, and imagine my surprise a few years later when I discovered that it was now possible to play online bingo. I had always encouraged my folks to have a computer in the house, and to do their best to keep up to date with developments. So you can picture their surprise and excitement when I told them that they could play their favourite game online, and as often as they liked. And not only that, but no more the need to drag themselves out in the rain and the cold, get a bus or a taxi, or even take the car with all the problems of finding a parking space. They can play as often as they want in their own home, and they love every minute of it.
I must confess that I am really starting to enjoy playing bingo online myself and am glad to say that I don't need the pictures any more.
For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.mrsbingo.com/

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My Love Affair with Video Poker

The online gaming revolution has been going on for almost ten years now, and people from all over the World, coming from every walk of life have discovered the thrills and spills of playing online, on one of the dozens of games that have been played in land casinos for hundreds of years, and have made a very successful transition to the online casino. There is no question that most people prefer to play online, with confidentiality and comfort, and not having to deal with all the noise and distractions that are part and parcel of playing at a land casino.

The software that is on offer in online casinos bears no comparison to what was in use ten or even five years ago. The software today is incredibly sophisticated, and has been developed to an extent that could never be found in a land casino.

Probably one of the best examples you will find is video poker. Which many people, including the writer, have enjoyed an ongoing love affair since it first appeared on the online casino scene. The reason why online video poker has proved to be so successful in my opinion is that it offers the best of both worlds. Massive player interaction along with the ability to play head to head against the house and not other players. Live players, and especially online ones, can be hard to read but at least with the house what you see is what you get. Once you understand that theory, everything else falls into place,

You also need to understand that not every casino video poker version can be won at regularly. Because video poker comes in so many formats, there is always some form of video poker that can be mastered by a thinking player. From my experience, you have to earn your winnings. And you can win more than you lose and have a lot of fun in the process through preparing yourself for the affray through conducting proper research and understanding of the game of video poker.
For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.mrsvideopoker.com/

How to Extract the Maximum from My Sports book Bonuses

One thing people who like to bet online shouldn't forget in a hurry is that their business is very much appreciated by the sportsbook they use to place their bets. Top quality sportsbooks need volume and will bend over backwards to retain their clients. That is something that I quickly picked up on as regular sportsbook player. If I asked for a reasonable bonus to place a specific wager, and I got it I was satisfied. If I got a business but I wasn't happy with amount I cajoled and threatened till I got what I wanted. On one of the few occasions that my threats didn't get me the results that I needed I took my business elsewhere and usually succeeded in getting the terms that I wanted. I never directly played one sportsbook against the other, but instead I made it very obvious that I was looking for and expected the best bonus. An interesting fact is that when I went back to the first sportsbook looking for a bonus on my next bet, I got it without a question being asked.

Another trick I learned when asking for a bonus was never to let the sportsbook tell me how much they were going to award me. Instead I took the game to them by stating clearly how much I would be wagering and exactly how much of a bonus I would be expecting. That way the sportsbook knows how much they will earn if I lose, and how much they will have to subsidy my loss if my predictions are less than successful.

So, that's why when go looking for sports betting online service, I tend to stick with those that present a sportsbook bonus offer that I can regard as both competitive and enticing. If my request is consistently unreasonable then I know these serious sportsbooks will begin to turn down my trade as the sums don't add up for them. I know that the overheads of an online sportsbook are a fraction of high street bookies have to meet, but they are still in business in the hope of making a profit. It's my job to ensure that it is as little as possible,

For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.mrsportsbook.com/

Play Online Craps Get Chance to Win More

There are a number of combination bets that you can make at craps that are not too well known. The reason being that they are very high odds bets that only the bravest players will ever consider making and usually as part of an overall betting strategy. The "on the hop" combination bet is a class example. Basically a player places an "on the hop" bet on a single roll as a combination of two possible numbers coming up instead of a single bet, any two of three combination. For example, any online craps can be a fairly popular bet before and after the come-out. An "any craps" means betting that the next throw of the dice will either be two, three or twelve. If any combination of these three numbers comes up the player is paid out around 27-1 on their bet. Great odds, but hard to hit. If the player bets hi-lo (either a two or a twelve) they can get odds of 35-1 on their money. However if they decide to go for a snake-eyes and three on the hop bet, they will be paid out 26-1. Another less risky combination is a three- eleven on the hop combination that will pay out around 20-1. These bets are really for the lovers of adventure.
Safer waters (as well as lower odds) can be found on the "hard ways" on the hop bets. That means either hard four (two twos) hard six (two threes) hard eight (two tens) and the famous hard ten (two fives). It's possible to make a single bet on any of these combinations coming up, with odds averaging 18-1 on a single bet combination. To give a comparison, if a player places a come-out hard ways bet the best odds they can expect is 9-1.
On the hop bets add a little more spice of life to the game of play craps, ad it is possible to get odds on any combination for those who live to hedge their "thrill bets" a little.
For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.mrcraps.com/

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Enjoy Playing Blackjack Online

When the online gaming craze really began to take off, playing Texas Hold'em poker was the biggest hit of the all the table games, and there is no disputing that fact. Players liked the head to head to action and the people behind the leading online casinos quickly realised that the tournament format worked very well for poker, and in any format.

Blackjack players were left with the same option that they always had, and that was to play against the house. Admittedly they do enjoy a much better chance of beating the house than they did when playing in a land casino, as well as all the other benefits of welcome and match play bonuses, loyalty points and all the other features that has made playing online so popular across the World. That for an increasing large number of online blackjack lovers there was still something missing. And the online gaming industry never slow to pick up on what the players want, realised that there was a genuine niche to organize play blackjack tournaments. They did know that these tournaments couldn't be run on a knock out basis as Texas Hold'em Poker tournaments are, so they came up with something so original and innovative and original that it caught on like wildfire.

Instead of playing against each other, players play against the house and the clock. This means that they pay a fixed entry, which goes in a pool. After the organising casino or casinos take their ante, the rest of the money goes into a pool, which makes up the prize money. The more players that take part in the tournament the higher the prize money and more the excitement. Once everyone has paid their money, each player is issued with a certain amount of playing chips, which they use to play against the dealer. The tournament kicks of simultaneously around the World and finishes after a fixed time. The player who is left holding the most "playing chips" is the winner and takes the prize. For the rest of the players taking part they have had a really good time and great value for money.

For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.mrblackjack.com/

Play to win at Casino War

The saying goes that the software geniuses involved in the online gaming industry are now so good at their jobs that they can make a game out of anything. This might well be the case with one of the latest online casino sensations called casino war. In case you haven't guessed it, casino war is as it sounds. The casino version of that popular children's card game war.

The object of Casino War is still the same, the winning player needs to draw the highest card, with the casino version meaning that if you draw the winning card, you win some money, and have a lot of fun in the meantime.
Casino War begins by the player betting on their chances of winning the round, and they can place whatever size bet they want. As soon as the online casino war combatant places their bet, they can click on the deal button. and the player and the bank are dealt one card each. If the dealer draws a card higher than the player', the bank wins. If the players wins, they get paid out even money.

Sounds boring? You might be right. The truth is that casino review war really only gets exciting when a tie is called, when both the bank and the player draw the same value card. Even before the hand is dealt, the player can bet against a tie, and if a tie does happen, the palyer gets paid out at ten to one their money, with no questions asked. If a tie does happen, and the player hasn't taken insurance, they can still opt for pressing their bet, which means doubling their original stake. Once they take this step, after burning three cards each for the dealer and player, one card is shown for each. If the dealer beat the palyer they have lost twice their stake, then the player gets paid even money on their raised bet, and has their stake money returned for the initial bet. If the second draw is also a tie, then the player can re-bet and if the player wins third time round they get paid out even money on their second two bets and has their initial stake retuned. This kind of situation can theoretically forever, but in most cases it very rarely makes it past the third draw.

Casino war is good fun, moves very fast and for that reason has become a very popular game online.

For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.mrcasinos.com/

Friday, April 2, 2010

Sports books are the answer to all of your online bet placing problems

For those people who like a bet, online sportsbook is probably the best thing that has very happened to you. If you haven't done so already you should take the time to check out what sports betting is all about, and why it will make your life a lot easier in the future.

For a lot of the off course betting public, sportsbook betting provides all the answers to the logistics of placing bets, without the need to ever leave home. It is hard for many to take in what was only available through visiting their local bookie, which had its pluses and minuses, and on a cold, wet winter's day, the pluses far outweighed the minuses. It was the same story with land casinos, quite a number of whom had begun to offer betting facilities, which also served a purpose, because they were open all hours, and covered all kind of sporting events from around the World.  The problem there was these events eventually finished and the poor punter was left with the problem of getting home and in the middle of the night.  Another alternative was to open an account, deposit some money and place bets over the phone. That wasn't without its problems especially when it came to depositing and withdrawing money. It took so long sometimes that players were left without stake money for days on end.

Online sportsbook betting has changed all that and only for the better. Since they came on the scene about five years ago and you now can bet on a huge variety of sporting events and from the comfort and security of your own home. Nowadays, thanks to the wonderful digital age we are living in, you can watch sporting events from all around the World in high density resolution on your home television. So why go out to bet on them

And not only that there is a whole new world of sports betting available to you on sports that you never imagined. These include tennis, rugby, American football, golf, darts, curling and one thousand and one others.

For More Details Please Contact at : http://www.mrsportsbook.com

Increase Your Chances of Winning at Casinos

Those who play the lottery regularly every week know how it feels when somebody else wins on most of the days. You seem to think, you are the only one who never wins. We tend to forget that lottery has been designed in such a way that it is equally difficult to win for everyone. If it were really easy, everyone would end up winning millions of dollars and the lottery organizers would suffer severe losses.

In Unites States alone, if every person buys one lottery ticket, even then only one would emerge the winner. Now you understand why it is so difficult to win a lottery or even at casinos. Casinos are there in the business of making money, if they don’t make profits, they won’t survive. The jackpots can only keep growing if it is difficult to win. If there are no big prizes in lotteries or Jackpots in Casinos, people would stop going there. The truth is, while it is difficult to win in casinos or in a lottery, it is certainly not impossible.

You can increase your odds of winning by purchasing more tickets or by participating in a lottery pool. If you don’t want to do either of these, you just need to be lucky. Most seasoned players agree that casinos are designed in a manner so that they have a mathematical edge. Your odds of winning continue to decrease if you keep playing longer. That is the reason most casinos employee psychological tactics to make you play longer, so that they can make more money from you.

You must change the way you play at casinos to increase your odds of winning there. Every time you play at a casino, the house always has the edge. You have to realize that in the long term you cannot beat the casino because it enjoys a mathematical edge over all the players. Whatever mistakes you have made in the past, it’s time you learnt from them and avoid those mistakes at all costs.

In best online casino you have an advantage not available in land based casinos. the bonuses offered by online casinos should be used by players to good effect. Casino bonuses are variable which may change for different online casinos. Make sure you choose the best case bonus suitable for your game. For example, those who play regularly at online casino websites, are satisfied with long term loyalty bonuses whereas those who play less frequently will choose high value sign up bonus.

For More Details Please Contact at: http://www.hotcasinodeal.com/

Friday, March 19, 2010

Find out why playing online roulette can be your game

A lot of players, who join online casinos at first get very excited, like a kid in a toy store. After all these 3D graphics can certainly capture a player's imagination and these online bonuses never seem to stop arriving. But when the dust settles most players find an online game that they feel most comfortable with. And for many that game is roulette.

Online roulette has become many players' favourite because it is a really easy game to play. In truth all that a player has to do is place their bets, and sit back and watch the action on the roulette table pan out. And thanks to the wonders of online gaming software, there is even no need to place bets at every spin. The computer software even does that for you.
Roulette is a game for players who are in it for the long term, and don't need too much excitement. You will never hear of a player winning a casino roulette jackpot, or an international roulette tournament. Because there are none. You won't hear that a player hit a roulette jackpot, because the best bet you can find on a roulette table is 35-1, which is not bad odds. However the people who set these odds, and that's going back a few hundred years, knew exactly what they were doing. Because that's the exact percentage chance of a player hitting a number on the nose.

What online casinos will never advertise is the number of players who have developed a system that should allow them to win consistently playing blackjack online. This is not one of these magical "beat the bank" systems that some less than honest person will try and sell you online. In roulette there are no shortcuts. An online player who understands statistics and is prepared to take calculated risks will have figured out that they can win at roulette by betting properly. They might be sacrificing a few bells and whistles but they should take a profit in most spins, and lose very dramatically in very few.

For more information please visit: http://www.mrroulette.com/