Thursday, April 15, 2010

What Makes Online Bingo Special for Me

To the average UK citizen, bingo is no stranger. In fact most of us grew up with it, with mum and sometimes even dad going out together once or twice a week to play "housy-housy" as the used to call it, and even their excitement when they won a prize. Even a second prize would make them pretty happy too, as I recall. If my memory serves me well, I also used to play a form of bingo as a child. It was a board game called lotto with the only difference being that there were pictures instead of numbers on the board. What did they expect; after all we were only children.
I guess that my childhood memories of bingo were only positive ones, and it gained a place in my heart. Till one day my mother came home bearing sad news. Our local bingo hall was closing down. It was going the way of the dance hall where my parents met, and the cinema where they went on their first dates, and I went as a child to watch the latest spectaculars, although they did seem to arrive in our little town much later than everywhere else.
I was lucky to reach my late teens just when the internet revolution was really starting to take off, and imagine my surprise a few years later when I discovered that it was now possible to play online bingo. I had always encouraged my folks to have a computer in the house, and to do their best to keep up to date with developments. So you can picture their surprise and excitement when I told them that they could play their favourite game online, and as often as they liked. And not only that, but no more the need to drag themselves out in the rain and the cold, get a bus or a taxi, or even take the car with all the problems of finding a parking space. They can play as often as they want in their own home, and they love every minute of it.
I must confess that I am really starting to enjoy playing bingo online myself and am glad to say that I don't need the pictures any more.
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