Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How to Extract the Maximum from My Sports book Bonuses

One thing people who like to bet online shouldn't forget in a hurry is that their business is very much appreciated by the sportsbook they use to place their bets. Top quality sportsbooks need volume and will bend over backwards to retain their clients. That is something that I quickly picked up on as regular sportsbook player. If I asked for a reasonable bonus to place a specific wager, and I got it I was satisfied. If I got a business but I wasn't happy with amount I cajoled and threatened till I got what I wanted. On one of the few occasions that my threats didn't get me the results that I needed I took my business elsewhere and usually succeeded in getting the terms that I wanted. I never directly played one sportsbook against the other, but instead I made it very obvious that I was looking for and expected the best bonus. An interesting fact is that when I went back to the first sportsbook looking for a bonus on my next bet, I got it without a question being asked.

Another trick I learned when asking for a bonus was never to let the sportsbook tell me how much they were going to award me. Instead I took the game to them by stating clearly how much I would be wagering and exactly how much of a bonus I would be expecting. That way the sportsbook knows how much they will earn if I lose, and how much they will have to subsidy my loss if my predictions are less than successful.

So, that's why when go looking for sports betting online service, I tend to stick with those that present a sportsbook bonus offer that I can regard as both competitive and enticing. If my request is consistently unreasonable then I know these serious sportsbooks will begin to turn down my trade as the sums don't add up for them. I know that the overheads of an online sportsbook are a fraction of high street bookies have to meet, but they are still in business in the hope of making a profit. It's my job to ensure that it is as little as possible,

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