Monday, April 19, 2010

Don't be scared of online roulette

Until I discovered online gaming, I have to admit that I was always scared of roulette. When I used to go to land casinos I always wanted to try my hand at blackjack or even poker now and again, because I wanted to be involved in the game and "shape my own destiny: Usually the destiny and my bank role took on a bit of a different shape, and it was usually a lot thinner than when I came in to the casino. Despite that, I just couldn't get to grips with the idea that I was placing my money on the table and had no way of influencing the result of the spin.

However when I joined my first online casino, and discovered that playing as a guest was not a con trick, I decided that I would take the time to learn what the game of casino roulette was all about, and how it had become and remained one of the most popular table casino games in the World. The realisation came to me gradually that it doesn't matter that I can't have any influence on where the ball lands in the wheel, it matters how I place and value my bets to cover a reasonable amount of eventualities that would give me a profit, out of each playing session.

One thing that used to bother me a lot watching roulette in a land casino was the amount of pressure on the players to get their bets down on time. I used to think that that was very unfair, as it didn't give every player a chance to bet as much as they wanted. Gradually as I played my way as guest, I began to realise that it was part of the strategy of the casino croupiers that would allow players enough time to place the sucker bets that paid 20-1 upwards and to block the thinking players who were betting strategically and expecting returns of even money but on every spin.

With online roulette that’s not a problem, as I control the speed of the game, and once my bets have been placed, I can let them stay in place, sit back and hopefully watch the profits mount up.

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