Friday, May 21, 2010

When You Hit the Double Zero Think About Bugsy

Rumour has it that when Las Vegas was built in the late forties much of the seed capital came from "mob money". Anyone who ever saw the film "Bugsy" will recall the scene where the principal character was a true figure known as Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel who had a dream to build a casino city in Las Vegas in the very heart of the Nevada desert.

Unfortunately for Bugsy his dream was to become a reality but too late for our hero. Before the lights came on in Vegas, Bugsy was sent to the next life largely as a result of his "partners" impatience with Bugsy for the slow return on their investment. Once the first casino was built, and players began to trickle in, the owners decided that they had a real captive audience. They decided to push the odds in their favour at roulette by adding another zero, pushing the house odds up to 5.7% in their favour. Who was going to complain?

Ever since then, double zeros have been a feature at US land casinos, and nobody ever succeeded in convincing the land casinos to drop it. Why should they, if players were prepared to play on the tables. Some land casinos do offer a form of insurance, where players can re-double their bets when the ball lands on a double zero. That way they don't lose their original bets, but instead get paid only half on the next spin.

Since the online revolution hit, US players, at least this who live in states where internet gaming is legal, no longer have to play on double zero casino roulette tables, although there are some who still choose to do so. They are usually players who cover the table with low odds bets and are prepared to protect their stake by paying out a form of insurance by betting on single and double zero. In online roulette, where betting is automated, covering the table and taking your time to do it is a possibility, something that you wouldn't have dared to do in Bugsy's casino.

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