Monday, May 10, 2010

My Dream Is To Win a Progressive Jackpot

We all have our dreams. Some of us would like to climb Mount Everest; others would like to swim the English Channel. My dream is a lot simpler, I would like to win a progressive jackpot playing my favorite slots game. I have been playing online for quite a few years now, and while I think I get good value for money, what with all these bonuses and loyalty points they keep giving me, as well as having won a few relatively juicy jackpots, I live for the moment when the sirens start to wail and I get to take the big prize.

Not that I believe that it will happen, but I have to say that I think the chances are improving all the time. My feeling is that while the chances of winning progressive jackpots have been in the millions, these days they are getting better all the time. It's not that I have just found a four leaf clover it's just that there seems to be more and more of these progressive jackpots going on these days online. While I can't take part in all of them, there are other players like me, who are. And by my way of thinking, that increases my chances of winning a progressive online jackpot in the promotions that I am taking part in.

I know that there are more and more online casinos these days, and there are many who are part of a pretty big chain and others who are linked by using the same software, making for more players and larger jackpot prizes. To be honest, when I first began to have my dream the first prizes in these progressive jackpot competitions were so high, and now they are so much higher. That means I am prepared to make a compromise and set for a second prize or even a third prize in a progressive jackpot competition, on my favorites slots games. After all, I am old enough to realise that not all dreams can come true. Only the reasonable ones.

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