Monday, May 10, 2010

It Was Worth the Time and Trouble to Learn Video Poker Strategy

I used to love to play table games, first of all on land casinos, when I had no other choice, and even more so in online casinos when they first started to appear on the scene. After a while I started to get a bit frustrated because the games that I used to play weren't giving me the excitement that I was looking for. Texas Hold'em poker was the nearest I could find, but I just didn't have the time to take part in the tournaments, and the same applied to the cash games. My job and family commitments meant that I could only play online for an hour or so every time, and I wanted to find a game that I could play on my own, against the house, but with the excitement of Poker.
So, a couple of years ago when a friend suggested to me that I should take a look at what video poker had to offer, I must admit that my curiosity was aroused. I always thought that Video poker was like a slot game and all I had to do was press a button all day long. I wanted a game that tickled my intellect a little, so I was kind of skeptical when I first began to take a look at the potential of being an online video poker player.
The first conclusion that I got to was that if you don’t know or want to learn proper poker strategy, then play video poker is not for you. Luckily I had a reasonable background in poker so I knew where to begin. At the beginning I made my share of mistakes, and I began to fear that Video Poker, much as it was exciting, might be too expensive a form of gambling for me. So I took a step back, swallowed my pride a little, and exercised my right to play as a guest till I got a real feel for the game and its strategies. Now I can tell you that it was worth the time and trouble to learn video poker strategy, and I am enjoying my online casino play more than ever.
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