Friday, May 21, 2010

I Can Even Play Online Bingo When I Am Not Online

These days there is virtually nothing you can't do online, and not only that but, thanks to wireless technology, flash software and iPhones and suchlike, there is no reason why you can't be hooked up to the internet everywhere you are. Some say for the bad or the good. I like to be online, and I love to play online bingo, However sometimes because of the demands of my business schedule, which means that I have to attend meetings in the evening, I have to miss out on my favourite bingo review session more often that I would like.
The truth is that there are certain jackpot games that I really don't like to miss, and I used to get quite upset when one of them coincided with a business meeting. To be honest there was a couple of times that I even thought I would be able to play the jackpot in the background on my laptop. I was afraid that if I won I would call out "Bingo" in the middle of the meeting so I put that particular idea on hold.
However my friends down at my favourite online bingo room have come up with a solution which, while it is not quite ideal, is really innovative. I can now buy and fill up my cards in advance, and take part in the jackpot draw even if I am offline.
Of course if I am not online when the jackpot game is in progress, and miss out on the excitement and chatting with my online friends, but I can always do that anytime. However by working and playing bingo at the same time I increase my earning chances two fold. To be since I discovered that I can pre-play bingo, I have been scheduling quite a number of games that I would not normally take part in. Sometimes before I go to bed, I fill in a few cards and when I wake up in the morning there is a small prize waiting for me. Not quite the tooth fairy but the next best thing.
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