Thursday, May 27, 2010

At Online Casinos I Can Change My Luck Along With My Table

As a best casino lover from way back, if there is one thing that I have learned as that a run of luck will always come to end. It’s a great feeling when you are winning. It seems like every turn of the card, spin of the wheel or toss of the dice has been planned in advance, and it just doesn't seem right that it has to change. But it will, and it has cost me a lot of money over the years to learn that signs that winds of change are blowing in your direction, and it's time to get up from that comfy chair and a situation that is about to change, and for the worst. When I used to play in land casinos, I made it a practice never to look back, and for two reasons. First of all I didn't want to see if the person who took my chair would continue to be on a "roll", and I also wanted to play at another game, because I reckoned that I had used up all of my luck on that game for a day, a week or maybe a lifetime.

The other reason was that I didn't want to stop playing, and see if I could push my luck on another game. Something that wasn't always easy to do, especially if the tables are crowded. That is not a problem now that I play online all of the time. Nowadays when I think my winning streak is winding down, all I do is switch games. No need to put all my chips in a ray or in my pockets it's all done for me.

Nowadays as an experienced online player with experience of playing a lot of games my playing skills are so diverse that I can play any table game I want and switch them around whenever the mood takes or when I start to feel that I am staying too long at any one game., and start to play a new game with a clean sheet and the knowledge to beat the odds. That's what diversity at online play can bring you.

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