Friday, July 16, 2010

How I needed to learn the rules of craps so I could win

The rules of the online version of craps are identical to the land casino version, and are fairly complicated. The game is played out in two stages: before the point is made and after. The stage till the point is made is known as the "come out" and players bet on the shooter hitting either a seven or eleven before the point is made. Once the point has been established, which can be four, five, six. Eight, nine or ten, the player has to make it before they throw a seven. Now you know why players and spectators shout and get very excited when a round of craps is in process. There are also a number of side options that have nothing to do with the outcome of the game. These kind of proposition bets are on a single throw of a dice such as "any craps" (two, three or twelve) or "all the hard ways" (two twos, two three, two fours, two fives) hi-lo (twos or twelve's) and a few other similar combinations. Until the point has been made, the casino craps table will fill up with lots of similar bets. If the player throwing the dice, known as the shooter succeeds in making the point, they will more than likely be invited to continue on to the next pass, in the hope that their run of luck will continue.

Players who don't take the time to learn and understand all the rules of craps stand to miss out on the profits that they can earn by playing online craps. All of these bets can be confusing for a player and that's why they should take whatever time that they need to understand why they should or should not take on a particular bet or bet more or less money on a particular combination of bets.
The rules of craps are not easy to follow, but that doesn't mean that a player should be afraid of them and place bets that are combination of calculated and adventurous.

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