Monday, July 26, 2010

Get in on Online Blackjack tournaments

When the online gaming craze really began to take off, playing Texas Hold'em poker was the biggest hit of the all the table games, Players liked the head to head to action and the people behind the leading online casinos quickly realised that the tournament format worked very well for poker, and in any format.

blackjack players were left to enjoy an improved choice of beating the house as well as all the other benefits of welcome and match play bonuses, loyalty points and all the other features that has made playing online so popular across the World. That for an increasing large number of online blackjack lovers there was still something missing. And the online gaming industry never slow to pick up on what the players want, realised that there was a genuine niche to organise online blackjack tournaments.

Instead of playing against each other, players play against the house over a fixed tine period, paying a fixed entry fee, which is pooled. The prize money is divided after casino or casinos who the organising casino or casinos take of their percentage for organising the tournaments and balance goes to make up the prize money. Obviously if there are a large number of participants, the prize money rises accordingly. Certainly interest in online blackjack tournaments are on the rise, with competitions kicking off around the clock.

Once everyone has paid their money, each player starts the competition with an identical amount of playing chips, and these are used to compete against the house. Once the tournaments time is finished, the player with the largest amount of playing chips in their stack is the winner and takes the first prize. Sometimes if the field is big enough, there are even second or third prizes to be won. For players who have finished the tournament outside the field, they will have had a good time enjoyed great value for money. It's on to the next tournament which may be just a few minutes away for you to play the game of casino blackjack.

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