Saturday, July 10, 2010

Jackpots Come In All Shapes and Sizes

I was always one of these people who never expected to win anything, or be famous or get the best looking girls when I was younger. To be honest I never craved the limelight, wasn't looking to go skiing in the Swiss Alps or break the bank at my local land casino when I went out for a night with the boys. I guess that life turned out just as I wanted it to do. Today I am happily married, two nice kids, a solid job, a mortgage and we manage to get away on holiday very year to somewhere nice but unspectacular.
I guess that how I would describe myself: nice but unspectacular. Although I do have one little pastime that I indulge myself with every now and again. I like to play online slots. The thing is that I was never an attention seeker and strange though it may seem I really don't want to win a major jackpot. I would rather go for smaller jackpots and with so many tournaments around these days; some progressive jackpot.prizes are pretty modest. There are those who might say that if you are going to win a progressive jackpot it should be as big as possible. I disagree. You see I have discovered that if you go for a progressive jackpot where there is less prize money, there is less competition for the prize and also a lot less fuss when you win. How do I know that you might well ask? The answer is that I have already won two of them, and while the prize money won't allow me to buy a gold plated Bentley which I don't need, it will certainly pay for my family holiday next year and maybe the year after.
That's why when I read in my online jackpot that someone has just won a major jackpot I feel good. Not just for the lucky winner but for me and my family also. That means that there will be lots of small jackpots around for me to take part in and hopefully take away.

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