Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Why You Need To Get Into Craps Tournaments

Nobody likes to try and beat the system although it can sometimes be done. Playing against the house odds at any online casino game is not everybody's cup of tea, and you can include craps in that list. That's why more and more online craps lovers are taking the tournament path .They have figured out that they can get a first class evening's entertainment for a fixed sum, and if the role of the dice is running their way, they might even find themselves winning a first prize which can be considerable of even a runner's up prize, which is not to be sniffed at.
These days there is a lot happening on the online casino scene, so much so that it is sometimes difficult to keep track. One thing for sure is that they have been figured out by online casino marketing teams to make the player experience better, and all the time. There are a lot of online casinos all vying for the business among the online players.Something that works very well on their behalf. Every penny being spent in online casinos is being competed for, and that's why the online casinos are keeping their ear to the ground to discover what players want.
That's why online tournaments have become so popular, coming from the highly successful Texas Hold'em tournament concept. In online tournaments, players never play against the house, and instead against each other with the online casino management taking a percentage of the ante to cover their costs.
One of the first games to be tested was and the idea caught on very well, the competitors in these tournaments liked the idea of not playing directly against the house. The tournament format had to be altered completely for craps as it unworkable in a knockout format. .
Instead play craps tournaments are based on a "beat the clock" formula. That means that each participant is allocated the same amount of "playing chips", which they use to play against the casino.The player who is left with the most chips at the end of the tournament wins. What could be simpler!
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