Thursday, June 17, 2010

How I brought my own strategies to Video Poker

I have always loved a game of poker and have tried just about every version of it. I have played draw, stud and up to Texas Hold'em. I have played in private games, in land casinos and more recently and more often in online poker rooms. Poker is to me the best card game on the planet, offering such a wide range of thrills and excitement, as well as levels of intellectual stimulation that no other game can match. Or at least that's what I think!

When a friend first told me about video poker, I have to confess that I didn't take him too seriously. I was a bit of a "poker snob" and I enjoyed all the action around playing poker with real people that I never thought that I could ever enjoy playing poker against a machine, even one that made the game really easy and enjoyable to play on.

So one day when I found myself with a little time to spare I thought I would give the online video poker game a chance, more to get my friend off my back than anything else. To my great surprise I quickly found myself getting to grips with the game, and saw the potential that it had for someone like me, who knows poker and can calculate the odds and eventualities.
For the good or the bad, there are no other players to compete against and that gives a player a clear head to concentrate on one set of strategies. There are no bluffing, blind bets, antes and all the rest to worry about. It’s a simple "man against machine" and a pretty smart machine at that!

I quickly sussed out that one of the major advantages of play video poker online in particular is that a player need never be rushed into making a decision and that every hand can be analysed carefully. Strategy decision can be made with analysing how to make the best of each hand being the priority.
Today I spend a lot of time playing video poker and I acknowledge that it is and enjoyable and stimulating as any other version of poker. But don't tell my friend I told you.
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