Sunday, June 6, 2010

Splitting Pairs and Splitting Hairs Are Not the Same Thing

I have always found playing blackjack such an exciting game because no one hand is the same, and situations can arise that have a knock on effect as to how the hand will turn out. Decisions have to be made that are pretty fundamental to the outcome of the hand, and opportunities to win money can go a begging. Any blackjack player who is in for the long haul will need to have a game plan prepared to handle any situation as it occurs. They will need to know how to make the best of it.
One of the most interesting challenges that can arise in the middle of a blackjack situation is the opportunity to split pairs. Experienced online blackjack players usually welcome the opportunity to split pairs and will rarely split hairs about the dilemma.
The pairs that can be split are aces, deuces, sixes, sevens, eights and nines. As you can imagine, just because you can split a pair shouldn't necessarily mean that you have to. Aces and deuces should always be split, even if the dealer is holding an ace or a face. The truth is that splitting deuces is a must to do, as the permutations that it opens are considerable. In many cases splitting deuces will lead to at least one double if not two, which means that from one hand, a player has the chance to win (of lose) four times their original bet. Aces are also always worth splitting, as long as you bear in mind that you are only allowed to draw one card, so theoretically you could end up with a hand with a maximum value of twelve (two aces), although statistically this is highly unlikely.
Sixes are the least attractive pair as the possibilities are limited.
Sevens and eights are on the borderline of being good splitting pairs. Doubling is always a possibility and if you draw a face card you still have a hand. Splitting nines are always a dilemma as you need to break up a winning hand in the hope of improving it. All in all splitting is one of the most interesting playing permutations in play blackjack, and it's no wonder that experienced players run their hands in anticipation of them coming along.
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