Thursday, May 27, 2010

At Online Casinos I Can Change My Luck Along With My Table

As a best casino lover from way back, if there is one thing that I have learned as that a run of luck will always come to end. It’s a great feeling when you are winning. It seems like every turn of the card, spin of the wheel or toss of the dice has been planned in advance, and it just doesn't seem right that it has to change. But it will, and it has cost me a lot of money over the years to learn that signs that winds of change are blowing in your direction, and it's time to get up from that comfy chair and a situation that is about to change, and for the worst. When I used to play in land casinos, I made it a practice never to look back, and for two reasons. First of all I didn't want to see if the person who took my chair would continue to be on a "roll", and I also wanted to play at another game, because I reckoned that I had used up all of my luck on that game for a day, a week or maybe a lifetime.

The other reason was that I didn't want to stop playing, and see if I could push my luck on another game. Something that wasn't always easy to do, especially if the tables are crowded. That is not a problem now that I play online all of the time. Nowadays when I think my winning streak is winding down, all I do is switch games. No need to put all my chips in a ray or in my pockets it's all done for me.

Nowadays as an experienced online player with experience of playing a lot of games my playing skills are so diverse that I can play any table game I want and switch them around whenever the mood takes or when I start to feel that I am staying too long at any one game., and start to play a new game with a clean sheet and the knowledge to beat the odds. That's what diversity at online play can bring you.

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Online Bingo, More Fun for Less Cost!

Playing bingo is a great way of letting go the stresses of daily life, but it doesn’t come cheap in either time or money, but playing online bingo has a number of advantages that mean you can benefit from the plus side of the game without some of the expense involved in going to a bingo hall.
When playing traditional bingo, once you’ve decided where you’re going you then need to decide what you’re going to wear. You then spend time putting on make-up and making sure your hair looks good – it might be bingo but it’s still a social meeting so you have to look decent if not exactly your best. The financial implications of a night at the bingo can run high if you add up all the little extra costs such as travel expenses, baby sitter fees and even a cup of coffee or two.
Playing online bingo however means that you play in the comfort of your own home. You don’t need to dress up to impress anyone; instead you can wear whatever you feel most comfortable in, even your pyjamas and slippers!
One of the main advantages of online bingo is that you can play it when it suits you. You don’t have to stress about getting there at a certain time because your game starts when you sit down and choose a card or two. You can even enjoy a few games of online bingo if the kids are still up. If they are watching their favourite programme on television, log in to your virtual bingo hall and enjoy a game until it’s time to start their bedtime routine. Whether you have 5 minutes or a few hours to enjoy, you control the time you spend at the online bingo site.
Online bingo can be paid for real cash which you put into your bingo account at your chosen site through a relatively simply process of electronic money transfer, but you can also find a number of sites that offer free games. This means that you can still enjoy the game even if your housekeeping doesn’t stretch to a bingo account. The free online play bingo games are also a great way of exploring various sites to see which one seems the best one for you.
Set up a free account at a number of bingo sites and play games there over a couple of weeks. Chat with other players as you play and you’ll find you get to know the “regulars”. Once you feel comfortable with the sites and have got to know some of the other players through the chat you’ll be able to decide which online bingo site offers you the kind of social experience you’re looking for.
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Friday, May 21, 2010

I Can Even Play Online Bingo When I Am Not Online

These days there is virtually nothing you can't do online, and not only that but, thanks to wireless technology, flash software and iPhones and suchlike, there is no reason why you can't be hooked up to the internet everywhere you are. Some say for the bad or the good. I like to be online, and I love to play online bingo, However sometimes because of the demands of my business schedule, which means that I have to attend meetings in the evening, I have to miss out on my favourite bingo review session more often that I would like.
The truth is that there are certain jackpot games that I really don't like to miss, and I used to get quite upset when one of them coincided with a business meeting. To be honest there was a couple of times that I even thought I would be able to play the jackpot in the background on my laptop. I was afraid that if I won I would call out "Bingo" in the middle of the meeting so I put that particular idea on hold.
However my friends down at my favourite online bingo room have come up with a solution which, while it is not quite ideal, is really innovative. I can now buy and fill up my cards in advance, and take part in the jackpot draw even if I am offline.
Of course if I am not online when the jackpot game is in progress, and miss out on the excitement and chatting with my online friends, but I can always do that anytime. However by working and playing bingo at the same time I increase my earning chances two fold. To be since I discovered that I can pre-play bingo, I have been scheduling quite a number of games that I would not normally take part in. Sometimes before I go to bed, I fill in a few cards and when I wake up in the morning there is a small prize waiting for me. Not quite the tooth fairy but the next best thing.
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When You Hit the Double Zero Think About Bugsy

Rumour has it that when Las Vegas was built in the late forties much of the seed capital came from "mob money". Anyone who ever saw the film "Bugsy" will recall the scene where the principal character was a true figure known as Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel who had a dream to build a casino city in Las Vegas in the very heart of the Nevada desert.

Unfortunately for Bugsy his dream was to become a reality but too late for our hero. Before the lights came on in Vegas, Bugsy was sent to the next life largely as a result of his "partners" impatience with Bugsy for the slow return on their investment. Once the first casino was built, and players began to trickle in, the owners decided that they had a real captive audience. They decided to push the odds in their favour at roulette by adding another zero, pushing the house odds up to 5.7% in their favour. Who was going to complain?

Ever since then, double zeros have been a feature at US land casinos, and nobody ever succeeded in convincing the land casinos to drop it. Why should they, if players were prepared to play on the tables. Some land casinos do offer a form of insurance, where players can re-double their bets when the ball lands on a double zero. That way they don't lose their original bets, but instead get paid only half on the next spin.

Since the online revolution hit, US players, at least this who live in states where internet gaming is legal, no longer have to play on double zero casino roulette tables, although there are some who still choose to do so. They are usually players who cover the table with low odds bets and are prepared to protect their stake by paying out a form of insurance by betting on single and double zero. In online roulette, where betting is automated, covering the table and taking your time to do it is a possibility, something that you wouldn't have dared to do in Bugsy's casino.

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Monday, May 10, 2010

It Was Worth the Time and Trouble to Learn Video Poker Strategy

I used to love to play table games, first of all on land casinos, when I had no other choice, and even more so in online casinos when they first started to appear on the scene. After a while I started to get a bit frustrated because the games that I used to play weren't giving me the excitement that I was looking for. Texas Hold'em poker was the nearest I could find, but I just didn't have the time to take part in the tournaments, and the same applied to the cash games. My job and family commitments meant that I could only play online for an hour or so every time, and I wanted to find a game that I could play on my own, against the house, but with the excitement of Poker.
So, a couple of years ago when a friend suggested to me that I should take a look at what video poker had to offer, I must admit that my curiosity was aroused. I always thought that Video poker was like a slot game and all I had to do was press a button all day long. I wanted a game that tickled my intellect a little, so I was kind of skeptical when I first began to take a look at the potential of being an online video poker player.
The first conclusion that I got to was that if you don’t know or want to learn proper poker strategy, then play video poker is not for you. Luckily I had a reasonable background in poker so I knew where to begin. At the beginning I made my share of mistakes, and I began to fear that Video Poker, much as it was exciting, might be too expensive a form of gambling for me. So I took a step back, swallowed my pride a little, and exercised my right to play as a guest till I got a real feel for the game and its strategies. Now I can tell you that it was worth the time and trouble to learn video poker strategy, and I am enjoying my online casino play more than ever.
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I Don't Feel Naught Any More When I Play Online Slots

I remember when I was a kid (and that wasn't yesterday) spending some of my pocket money in this ancient fruit machine in the local grocery store. I'm not sure if it was legal or not, but I remembered the excitement as the wheel spun round in a somewhat rickety fashion, and if the bars or the cherries came up, school caps were thrown in the air, as the three-penny coins flowed out. Or at least I remember it that way. Nobody knew or cared about percentage pay out levels in these days, but I am sure they were very low.
So a few years later, when I made my first visit to a land casino, a wave of emotion and nostalgia came over me as I saw a line of "fruit machines" lined up in a corner. On closer inspection, I could see that they were much more sophisticated and advanced than the old "clunker" that I would furtively play on. Someone had even produced single level online slots that were based on the old fruit machine that I knew and loved in my childhood. But it was no longer so noisy and erratic, and instead of putting in penny coins, I was putting in two bob bits and getting paid out in fifty pence pieces. There were also much larger five reels, multi spin slots that captured my imagination, and I have to admit that it wasn't too long before I abandoned my old favourite for something faster moving
A few years ago, when online casinos were popping up like wild flowers in spring, I must have been one of the first players knocking on their door. And when I got in I found that whatever the land casinos could do, the online casinos could do but a lot better. Such a choice of games, so many challenges and so much excitement. And they keep getting better all the time. However every now and again I think of my first love, that rickety old slot machine. And I don't feel naughty any more.
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Sports book Betting Is Right down My Street

I am not ashamed to admit that I am online player who likes action and for that reason it really suits me that sports betting went on line when it did. Since I joined my favorite sportsbook betting site, my betting statistics have really improved. They present me with such a broad range of betting options that go on around the clock, take a very low voguish on my bets, and even manage to throw me in a bonus now and again. There is so much more to online sportsbookbetting than you will ever find in any of these high street bookies that I used to have to go to place my bets. First or all I don't have to ever leave my home to place my bet and I never have to deal in cash. All that I need to do is make sure that my account is kept topped up, which I usually do thorough my credit card, although the last few months I have been using some of the web wallets as well. They are more discreet and easy to work with. Making a withdrawal at my online sportsbook is also a very smooth and straightforward experience. Some months I just let the money roll up to the end of the month, and withdraw my profits then. I have no fear whatsoever about leaving money on deposit at my sportsbook as they are part of an international chain. To be honest, when I used to bet for cash and won some money, I was so nervous about taking the cash from the pay out that I used to ask for cheques which could take days to clear. I used to bet through phone services but they would take an age to answer the phone, the lines were never that clear, and the person at the other end didn't always know what I was talking about. With online sportsbooks this is never a problem, access is instantaneous, the software is fast and user friendly and I can have my bets down in minutes. Yes, Sportsbook betting is right down my street.
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My Dream Is To Win a Progressive Jackpot

We all have our dreams. Some of us would like to climb Mount Everest; others would like to swim the English Channel. My dream is a lot simpler, I would like to win a progressive jackpot playing my favorite slots game. I have been playing online for quite a few years now, and while I think I get good value for money, what with all these bonuses and loyalty points they keep giving me, as well as having won a few relatively juicy jackpots, I live for the moment when the sirens start to wail and I get to take the big prize.

Not that I believe that it will happen, but I have to say that I think the chances are improving all the time. My feeling is that while the chances of winning progressive jackpots have been in the millions, these days they are getting better all the time. It's not that I have just found a four leaf clover it's just that there seems to be more and more of these progressive jackpots going on these days online. While I can't take part in all of them, there are other players like me, who are. And by my way of thinking, that increases my chances of winning a progressive online jackpot in the promotions that I am taking part in.

I know that there are more and more online casinos these days, and there are many who are part of a pretty big chain and others who are linked by using the same software, making for more players and larger jackpot prizes. To be honest, when I first began to have my dream the first prizes in these progressive jackpot competitions were so high, and now they are so much higher. That means I am prepared to make a compromise and set for a second prize or even a third prize in a progressive jackpot competition, on my favorites slots games. After all, I am old enough to realise that not all dreams can come true. Only the reasonable ones.

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How I Caught Onto Betting the Box Numbers

I like to play craps online, although I used to steer clear of it in when a used to go and play in land casinos. To be honest playing any table game at a land casino was always a bit traumatic for me, because I was never one for pushing and shoving, and racing against the stickman to get my best down in time. When I first discovered online casinos, I took some time to play craps, first as a guest player, and then for real money. Online craps is a whole new ball game (or dice game to be more exact) and I found I was enjoying it more and more, as well as making some profit from playing. The fact that I had all the time that I needed to place my bets and statistics to study after each session certainly helped me. I eventually got a feel as to how I should spread my bets, and which ones were better value than others.
That's when I caught on the betting the box numbers, and discovered that is one of the more sympathetic bets that you can make at online craps. I analysed that risk in betting the box numbers is fairly low, and the returns fairly high. I like to place my bets automatically when I play craps online, and it certainly makes life a lot easier for a system player like me. So when the "come out" is on, all my proposition bets are off, and as soon as the point has been made they come up again.
Box numbers are the numbers four, five, six, eight, nine and ten. Once the point has been established, these bets come on again automatically, and any time the any of these numbers are hit, I get around even money on my bet. If I succeed in making the point, I get paid out twice, as I usually bet on making the point as well. If I throw a seven I lose my box numbers bets, and have to replace them. If luck is going my way a can usually get a few wins before the seven or he point lands, making betting the box numbers a worthwhile bet.
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Sunday, May 9, 2010

I Have Just Become a VIPs at My Favorite Online Casino and I Love It

I certainly have caught the online gaming bug, and I have to admit that it has become my principal form of entertainment these days. I spend a lot of time away from home on business and can pass my time playing my favorite casino games when I am stuck in a hotel room and airport departure lounge. Playing online is very stimulating and some time the time passes so fast that I have to rush to catch my plane.
As far as playing is concerned, I reckon I am holding my own, and my favorite online casino have been backing me up with bonuses, sometimes even if I don't ask for them. Last week I even got an e-mail from them inviting me to become a VIP player with them. Oh, oh I thought. Here comes the scam that everyone was talking about, what are they going to charge me to become a VIP.
I was soon pleasantly surprised to discover that I had nothing to pay and everything to gain by becoming a VIP. I always thought that online casinos treat their regular customers well, but now I know that they treat their VIPs even better.
The first question I asked Sandra, the VIP service manager what I had done to deserve such an honour, I knew that I had been depositing regularly over the last few months, but I had also made my fair share of withdrawals. Sandra explained that VIP memberships are not handed out to players who are losing, that are not the criteria. Instead they are awarded to players who support the casino, spend a lot of time playing online. Being involved in marketing myself, I understood her explanation fully.
So what does it mean to be a VIP at an online casino? First and foremost, online casinos have their own VIP lounge where players are given first- hand knowledge of the latest promotions and tournaments some of which are exclusive to VIPs. In addition, VIPs are pampered not just by bonuses, but also by handsome and exclusive gifts on birthday and special occasions. A little touch but it's nice.
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Monday, May 3, 2010

How I Increased the Blackjack Odds in My Favor Using Match Deposit Bonuses

We have all hear the myths about these huge land casinos in Vegas, Atlantic City or even Macao who hand out some pretty fabulous "comps" to their big money players, These comps start from free meals, complementary hotel rooms and even suites up to sending limos to pick you up from the airport or even sending a private jet to take bring you from anywhere in the country. These are things that you dream about and see in the movies, and while it's all very glamorous, the one thing that even the most generous land casino will never do that online casinos will very rarely do, that land casinos do every day is give players money to play with.
I figured out why and since I did, I now get tremendous value of for my deposits by playing with their money. I figured out that online casinos are business people who earn their profits by people playing and losing their money at their casinos. I think that is fair enough and we all know that the odds in online casinos are much more in favor of the player than these "generous" land casinos. I also noticed that if I make a deposit to play some blackjack and don't do so well, then if I ask nicely, I will always get a bonus, sometimes against the money I already deposited but usually only if I make another deposit. Let's say that once I have made my deposit, been given a bonus and start to play, that lady luck and my superior blackjack skills allow me to start winning, when I go to make a withdrawal, I have to meet the withdrawal terms and conditions of the bonus I received, and none of the play that I made before I got the bonus will be taken into account.
When the penny dropped with me on that, I changed my entire concept for online blackjack play. These days before I sit down to play an online casino blackjack session, I contact the customer services department of my favorite online casino and ask for a bonus against my deposit, as well as the wagering terms and conditions. They already know that I am shopping around for the best deal, and will usually meet my request. So when I start my session, I maybe half or the money I am playing with is bonuses, and the odds are already in my favour.

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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Why I Like To Play Bingo from Home

I have always enjoyed a game of bingo and I still remember how much I used to enjoy getting out of the hose one or sometimes two evenings a week and go down to the local bingo hall with my friends and play. It was as much a social gathering as anything else, and sometimes we would stop in for a drink at the pub on the way home. The only thing that was wrong with that is I would get home late, and with three kids under the age of five at that time, I would be exhausted all of the next day.

Things change, and one of the changes that we had to cope with in our little town was that the bingo hall closed down. Our evenings were a lot emptier but on the upside we had a lot more time and energy to spend with our kids. But they grow up and are now at school, so I have a lot more time to myself. And guess what has come back to help me fill it? You guessed it, online bingo.
Thanks to the power of the internet, I can now play whenever I want in the comfort and safety of my own home. And another thing.

Most evenings, my house is full of noisy children, with music and televisions blaring away, and there is no chance of me playing a game of bingo with all of that racket and commotion going on. So what do I do?

During the day, after my husband has set off for work, the kids are at school and the house is nice and clean and quiet, I log on to my favourite online bingo room and play a few games. Such is the power of the internet that it doesn't matter when I want to play, there is always a game going on somewhere, in another corner of the globe. It seems that every day new people are discovering what I did. That it can be very pleasant to spend some quality time play bingo online. And why not, I earned it.

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