Thursday, August 6, 2009

What You Need To Play In Video Poker

The video poker world is an explosive one. The hybrid game of poker and slot machines has caught on both online and in live casinos. To play video poker though, you have to have two specific qualities to achieve success; these two characteristics are discipline and perseverance.

When playing video poker, whether it is online video poker , or casino video poker, you have to have to have more than just a computer, an internet connection and a comfy chair. You have to have systems, rules and you have to be disciplined enough to stick them, and not make excuses to do what you want to do.

When you play online video poker, or casino video poker , you must have a fixed sum of money to play with. Win or lose, this is the amount of money you are going to play with tonight, and if you have a good night you are going to bank your winnings and play until your stake money runs out.

If you have one of those nights where the machine steals your last penny, you will never chase the loss, but walk away, letting the anger, frustration, disappointment coarse through you, but you will not dip into tomorrow’s money. That is a cardinal sin in online video poker, and casino video poker, and leads to a path of self destruction and re-mortgage. If you ever think just one more go, think ‘time to go to bed’ instead. It will save you a fortune, and in a months time you will still have the shirt on your back and a roof over your head.

It takes discipline to play video poker and be good at it. You have to stick to these rules, along with all the tips and tricks you have picked up along the way, even if lady luck is two timing you with some other guy. To do this takes discipline, and if you lose it or don’t possess it, then the house is going to love you. In fact it is safe to say, the house will love you more than your husband or wife.

It is not just discipline you need to play online video poker, or casino video poker, but you also need perseverance. If you suffer a big loss one night, you have to believe that the defeat was a one off, a small blip to be forgotten about. You’re back the next night with new stake money that you did not use the previous night when you lost continuously.
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