Thursday, August 6, 2009

Perseverance is key to Play Blackjack

The world of professional gambling can be a cruel place, with plenty of opportunity to find yourself down on your luck. That is regardless of whether you’re playing blackjack, either live or online, and that no matter how many systems you know and are following, there will always be nights when lady luck is shining her light at someone else.
The key to get around this is to take it on the chin and persevere, and come back the next night and do it all over again. You may be wondering at this point why you should? Perhaps you should keep playing until you start turning the loss into a victory, in other words start playing until lady luck turns her gaze towards you.
This is precisely the wrong approach. No professional gambler chases losses, it is a cardinal sin to do so, and an expensive one too. If a professional blackjack player decides to play blackjack, they just gamble their stake money, and that is it, win or lose. This is especially important if you are losing, as chasing losses is the key to an online blackjack player’s downfall.
To play blackjack, black jack online casino players always ensure they are playing to a system, which in many cases involves card counting in some way. This is the heart of all blackjack systems, and this is the one that many players learn first. Should you be disciplined enough to stick to a blackjack system, and you are doing well, then it is relatively easy to stay disciplined enough to follow a system and play blackjack.
If you are losing – this is when your discipline may crack. This is when your character is tested in a number of ways. Online blackjack is like live casino blackjack, in the sense that undisciplined players will make mistakes which will be magnified if you do not regain it. When losing hand after hand, do you feel you can stay on top of things? To stick to the systems such as card counting that you already have learned? Or will you panic and start playing “blind”? Will you be able to resist not having “one last go”? And give it another whirl? If you can then you might be able to play blackjack, and be a successful online player.

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