Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Key to Winning At Slots...

As we know to play slots, you have to be of a certain mentality. Whereas other games largely revolve around making the right judgement call, to play slots you have to be in it for the long haul - you can’t just turn up, make a few decisions and expect everything to fall into your lap. Not even your bucket of change.

Online slots calls for the same staying the distance mentality as the live slots games, as the longer you play slots the greater the chance you have of winning a prize, which will hopefully be a jackpot or two. Indeed your average slots player will not just be interested in playing for a few hours, but many hours, as he or she will painstakingly sit down and push in coin after coin. Or for online slots, mouse click after mouse click.

This is a testament to a true slots player, as he or she has the key to winning at all gambling, and that is perseverance. If you can do that, you are half way to becoming a successful slots player. This coupled with discipline, will mean that you have the characteristic of a truly great slots player, even if you have not learnt the particular slots machine, or indeed the pay table for it, both of which are essential for success at slots.

If you are an undisciplined online slots player, then you will commit the cardinal sin of all slot players, and that is chasing losses. You will have a “just one more try” mindset about you, and this can and eventually and probably will lead to severe losses of the kind that involve re-mortgage.

To be a good online casino slots player you not only have to know the machines inside and out that you play on, but you also have to know the pay tables so you know what you can expect to win. You have to know the tips and the tricks that all good online slots players know, and you have to have the discipline and the perseverance.

All good slots players bring a fixed amount with them to play slots. If they lose every penny they go home feeling dejected, but they never dip into the next night’s money to win back what they have lost. They come back another day to play casino slots with a dry feeling in their mouth and a glint in their eye. They come back fresh, the disaster of the previous night far behind them.

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