Thursday, August 6, 2009

Have you got what it takes to win?

Sportsbooks are exciting and tension building way to make money. Lots of online sports book players are playing right now and winning their pension, but to crack the code and win big, you have to be a certain type of person with certain types of qualities. Are you one of them?

To play and get involved with sportsbook betting you have to abide by personal rules that can never, ever, be broken. This is a fundamental truth for all types of gambling, but in the world of sportsbooks, and especially online sportsbooks, to have any kind of success, obey this rule as if it is a commandment from a deity.

What is essential is that you only gamble a fixed sum of money every time you play a sportsbook. If you are winning, you bank your winnings, and when your stake money is gone, you forget about it and walk away. If your night is one of those inevitable disastrous ones that can happen to everyone, you must never, ever try and win your lost money back. Chasing losses is a cardinal sin for professional gamblers. Instead, you must log off, or leave, and come back the next day, fresh, ready to play with last night already behind you, and a glint in your eye. The air of expectation renewed, and a finger or two crossed that you are being watched over by lady luck tonight.

To pull that off takes a quality that many would argue is lacking in the world today: Discipline. Without discipline you simply could not keep it together, and all those systems to play online’s, and all those tips and tricks that are up your sleeve, and all that time you spent researching them on sportsbook sites, would have been wasted. Discipline will ensure you do not lose your head, even if you have lost your stake.

The next quality you need to be a great sportsbooks player, is perseverance. Can you come back the next night, and possibly the next if you are having a run of bad luck? Dusting yourself off, picking yourself up and not losing your faith in what you are about is not easy, and if you are losing money as well as your self esteem, that can only make things worse.

Of course, if you can do this then playing an online sportsbook or a live sportsbook will be that much easier, and the chances are you will achieve success.

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