Monday, June 28, 2010

The Best Site to Get Information on Top UK Bingo Sites

Bingo Bunny makes playing bingo at the UK’s top online bingo sites easier to do. The developers at Bingo Bunny have redesigned the site so that it acts as a portal for online bingo play. Players visit Bingo Bunny to review the wealth of information that is provided on top UK bingo sites. This information assists the player to choose a top bingo site that meets their personal preferences. This approach to playing online bingo eliminates the time a player would normally spend personally checking out the sites on their own.
Checking out individual online bingo sites is not only time consuming it is frustrating. Upon visiting the online bingo site a player attempts to glean the information needed to determine if this is a place they are willing to put time, money and personal information into. Yet the proof is in the pudding so to speak because the player cannot really tell about the site until they play. Repeating this process over and over again can result in the player losing all interest in the game. At Bingo Bunny potential players eliminate this process, the work has already been done and the top ten UK online bingo sites are represented.
The goal of the reviews is to provide a potential player with an overview of the online bingo site. Each site has a bunny rating that has been determined based on various categories of information. The developers spent time in chat rooms, on blogs and playing at the sites to gather the information needed to rate the rooms. Each review contains information regarding how much free bingo money the room gives you, steps to sign up to play and user reviews. They also included things such as how deposit bonuses are paid out, deposit options, the cost of the bingo cards. Most of the sites offer more than one type of bingo game. At Bingo Bunny you can also find out what games are offered at each site.

There is more to be found on Bingo Bunny that just the site reviews. You can read about the latest online bingo news. The section contains frequent editorial type articles about the world of online bingo. A player can go here and find out such stuff and why online bingo is such a popular game or even quizzes to win online bingo cash. Also included on the site is a celebrity gossip section to catch up on all the latest information from the rich and famous.
If the person is somewhat new to online bingo then Bingo Bunny features a section where a potential player can go and learn all about how to play online bingo. This area covers the basics of the game, tips and strategies as well as information on how to get started. Even an experienced player can come to this section to learn about some of the variations on the traditional bingo game such as 75 or 90 ball bingoes. Bingo Bunny can provide a player with valuable resources and information to make online bingo more interesting.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bingo Chat Explained

It was just a few years ago that the online casino industry began to operate online bingo rooms. They did so to fill a gap and answer a demand to replace all of these local bingo halls that had closed down due to rising costs. The online bingo halls turned out to be a great success, with players in their tens of thousands logging in every day to take part in a bingo session or two.

Bingo was always a social game and players began to complain that that was what was missing in the online version. So the software programmers were presented with the task of creating chat facilities, which they soon came up with. The only problem was that it was a type chat and not an audio one, which slowed down the process a lot and eroded its spontaneity.

So what has happened is that bingo players have developed their own form of chat lingo which allows them to pass on abbreviated messages, similar to that you will find in texts or Twitter.
Bingo lovers, the more they play and chat, the more they learn and polish up their chat dialect. Most beginners learn to stick to the bingo chat basics until they really get a feel for it. Like learning any new language, building a bingo chat vocabulary can take time, and players should never use the chat lingo as long until they become reasonably very familiar with it.
There are a number of reference sites that can be accessed online that contain a detailed list of the entire online bingo review chat lingo. The availability of such information has become a godsend to many players, although they should never try to be a bingo chat "snob" and bring in terminology that might either scare of players or antagonise them. Never be afraid to tell a fellow bingo fan who can hail from anywhere in the World, for a translation If you still don't understand. Your new online friend may have come from anywhere else in the World but their language will still be bingo chat.
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How I brought my own strategies to Video Poker

I have always loved a game of poker and have tried just about every version of it. I have played draw, stud and up to Texas Hold'em. I have played in private games, in land casinos and more recently and more often in online poker rooms. Poker is to me the best card game on the planet, offering such a wide range of thrills and excitement, as well as levels of intellectual stimulation that no other game can match. Or at least that's what I think!

When a friend first told me about video poker, I have to confess that I didn't take him too seriously. I was a bit of a "poker snob" and I enjoyed all the action around playing poker with real people that I never thought that I could ever enjoy playing poker against a machine, even one that made the game really easy and enjoyable to play on.

So one day when I found myself with a little time to spare I thought I would give the online video poker game a chance, more to get my friend off my back than anything else. To my great surprise I quickly found myself getting to grips with the game, and saw the potential that it had for someone like me, who knows poker and can calculate the odds and eventualities.
For the good or the bad, there are no other players to compete against and that gives a player a clear head to concentrate on one set of strategies. There are no bluffing, blind bets, antes and all the rest to worry about. It’s a simple "man against machine" and a pretty smart machine at that!

I quickly sussed out that one of the major advantages of play video poker online in particular is that a player need never be rushed into making a decision and that every hand can be analysed carefully. Strategy decision can be made with analysing how to make the best of each hand being the priority.
Today I spend a lot of time playing video poker and I acknowledge that it is and enjoyable and stimulating as any other version of poker. But don't tell my friend I told you.
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We All Start With a Clean Sheet When We Play Online Roulette

Just about everything we do at online roulette represents a challenge of some sort. When we decide to embark on a roulette session for whatever reason we should come to the table armed with the following:
• Some knowledge of how to play the game, or at least how the betting cycle works. Roulette is one of the few casino games where the player has absolutely no influence on the outcome of the game, so knowing how to bet is very important.
• A reasonable amount of money to play with. If a player makes a deposit of around fifty pounds, they should not be reluctant to ask their online casino customer service department for a match bonus. When they should decide to ask for the bonus is also significant. Some players prefer to ask for the bonus before they commence play, so they know exactly how much of a bonus they will be getting and how much they will have to play with. Other players prefer to ask for the bonus only once they have played away their stake money. They make this decision only because that if they do get lucky while playing with their own stake money, they don't have to meet any form of minimum wagering requirements before making a withdrawal. Any player who has been given a bonus, even if they haven't asked for it or played on it, still have to honour the wagering requirements.
• The most important thing that an online roulette player should take into account is their expectations of how much they want to win. Most of us would like to win a fortune at casino roulette, but it would take an illogically huge amount of luck to do so, at least consistently. Instead a player who has banked fifty pounds and been given a fifty pound bonus should be happy if they wind up the session ten pounds ahead.
• The entertainment factor is something that shouldn't ever be forgotten. That’s what we are supposed to be playing for, and winning is always a bonus.

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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sports Book Betting Online is the Best You Can Get

I like action. I admit it. When you hear these stories about people who bet on two flies running up a wall. I wouldn't quite say that I have reached that stage, but if my sports book could offer me some odds, I might consider taking them.

What I do like is to bet on sporting events, and not only in the UK, but those that are taking place all over the World, all year round and all around the clock. Let's be honest, since online sportsbook betting came on the scene, people like me who like to bet were starved of opportunities.

Before they came along, the only way I had of placing a bet was over the counter in my local commission agent, which totally lacked in spontaneity as well as offering me the opportunity to place bets in real time maybe eight or ten hours a day, and at best six days a week. With online sports betting, my bookie never closes, and is manned by friendly and efficient staff that is on call whenever I need them.

Sports book online betting is relatively new to the internet and it certainly has made a difference to me and the way that I place my bets. I am no longer limited to what I can bet on, and even more important, when. Online sports book betting allows me the time to study my bets and spread them. When the racing season ends in the UK, I can wager on race meeting in Australia, South Africa or even in South America where the season is just beginning. With the amount of information coming at me from the internet, I can place my best with confidence that I am up to date with all that is happening in any sport no matter the location.

So if you like a bet and are looking for best way of placing them, then sportsbook football betting has to be for you too. Take my advice and find yourself an online sports book. I promise you that you will never look back.

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Spin Out Your Slots Plays with Bonuses

Anyone who was a fan of the Rocky movies will always remember how "the Italian Stallion" took all these tremendous blows to the head, and explained to his corner that taking and absorbing these blows were part of his tactics. And some time his opponent would get tired out from hitting Rocky so hard and the champ would come in and put him to sleep. Not that playing slots can be compared to being punched repeatedly in the head and body, but what Rocky was doing is what slots players should also be doing- buying time.
For some reason it very rarely happens that an online slots player will get online and with the first spin of the wheel will win a major prize. Although there is no reason why it can't happen. , Most players who hit a jackpot usually do after playing for some time, and sometimes after holding a wheel for a few spins in order to improve their chances. That means that a player needs money to play and keep them in contention for taking down a major jackpot prize. And why should a player finance their player all by themselves. Online casinos understand that a player will need a bit of help now and again and will happily extend a match deposit bonus, that will allow their players the chance of a lot more spins.
When a casino slots player asks for a bonus, the casino management will always look at their gaming history especially the size of recent deposits and how the gaming percentages have been. It is rare indeed for an online casino to refuse a player a bonus if they have been depositing, even if they have made a few withdrawals. And it might be the next spin after the bonus has been credited that will win the player a nice cash prize. The risk that a player takes in asking for a bonus is that they will need to meet the terms and conditions of the bonus awarded before they can withdraw their profits. Sometimes they can play for a while and even lose some money before reaching the threshold and are eligible to make a withdrawal. It may be a bit of a blow but nowhere near as bad as those that Rocky used to take.
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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Win a Jackpot Prize Playing Video Poker

You might be surprised to know that there are a lot of poker players who are switching their allegiances to video poker and for a few reasons. Not every player wants to play cash games of tournaments against other players and would prefer to play against the house. One of the principal barriers that stopped many poker players from switching to video poker was the limits in prize money that could be had by playing video poker against the house.
Nowadays a player can enjoy the best of both worlds, because thanks to certain innovations by online casino management, followers of video poker can now have the chance of winning a jackpot prize by taking part and winning a video poker progressive online jackpot promotion.

There are a number of versions of video poker around that you can play online, and as is the case with most video slot games, they start a very low level of difficulty with the difficulty levels at the top being very high indeed. High level! The higher the level the higher the prizes even in normal play, with floating cards being common. Floating cards can mean that a player can draw five aces and the chances of hitting a royal flush much higher. If you hit a royal flush (a same suit sequence of Ace, King, Queen, Jack and Ten) you can get odds as high as 800-1, and that’s over and above any progressive jackpots. Many online casinos run ongoing tournaments at higher level video poker games where the aim is to be the first player to hit a royal flush. If a player succeeds in hitting a "natural royal flush" that is with no floating cards the prize will be so much higher.

All of these permutations and possibilities have made online video poker an increasingly hot favourite among players, with the element of winning a progressive jackpot prize adding another touch of spice. It's no wonder that you will find fewer players in the online poker rooms and more trying their luck and mathematical skills in the video poker rooms.

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Why You Need To Get Into Craps Tournaments

Nobody likes to try and beat the system although it can sometimes be done. Playing against the house odds at any online casino game is not everybody's cup of tea, and you can include craps in that list. That's why more and more online craps lovers are taking the tournament path .They have figured out that they can get a first class evening's entertainment for a fixed sum, and if the role of the dice is running their way, they might even find themselves winning a first prize which can be considerable of even a runner's up prize, which is not to be sniffed at.
These days there is a lot happening on the online casino scene, so much so that it is sometimes difficult to keep track. One thing for sure is that they have been figured out by online casino marketing teams to make the player experience better, and all the time. There are a lot of online casinos all vying for the business among the online players.Something that works very well on their behalf. Every penny being spent in online casinos is being competed for, and that's why the online casinos are keeping their ear to the ground to discover what players want.
That's why online tournaments have become so popular, coming from the highly successful Texas Hold'em tournament concept. In online tournaments, players never play against the house, and instead against each other with the online casino management taking a percentage of the ante to cover their costs.
One of the first games to be tested was and the idea caught on very well, the competitors in these tournaments liked the idea of not playing directly against the house. The tournament format had to be altered completely for craps as it unworkable in a knockout format. .
Instead play craps tournaments are based on a "beat the clock" formula. That means that each participant is allocated the same amount of "playing chips", which they use to play against the casino.The player who is left with the most chips at the end of the tournament wins. What could be simpler!
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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Splitting Pairs and Splitting Hairs Are Not the Same Thing

I have always found playing blackjack such an exciting game because no one hand is the same, and situations can arise that have a knock on effect as to how the hand will turn out. Decisions have to be made that are pretty fundamental to the outcome of the hand, and opportunities to win money can go a begging. Any blackjack player who is in for the long haul will need to have a game plan prepared to handle any situation as it occurs. They will need to know how to make the best of it.
One of the most interesting challenges that can arise in the middle of a blackjack situation is the opportunity to split pairs. Experienced online blackjack players usually welcome the opportunity to split pairs and will rarely split hairs about the dilemma.
The pairs that can be split are aces, deuces, sixes, sevens, eights and nines. As you can imagine, just because you can split a pair shouldn't necessarily mean that you have to. Aces and deuces should always be split, even if the dealer is holding an ace or a face. The truth is that splitting deuces is a must to do, as the permutations that it opens are considerable. In many cases splitting deuces will lead to at least one double if not two, which means that from one hand, a player has the chance to win (of lose) four times their original bet. Aces are also always worth splitting, as long as you bear in mind that you are only allowed to draw one card, so theoretically you could end up with a hand with a maximum value of twelve (two aces), although statistically this is highly unlikely.
Sixes are the least attractive pair as the possibilities are limited.
Sevens and eights are on the borderline of being good splitting pairs. Doubling is always a possibility and if you draw a face card you still have a hand. Splitting nines are always a dilemma as you need to break up a winning hand in the hope of improving it. All in all splitting is one of the most interesting playing permutations in play blackjack, and it's no wonder that experienced players run their hands in anticipation of them coming along.
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How I Started To Understand the Online Casino Withdrawal Issue

As an experienced online player with a few years of experience under my belt, I can't help but stifle a smile when I hear about other, less experienced players complaining about how they almost got ripped off when they went to withdraw some winnings from an online casino. If I have heard this once I must have heard it a dozen times, and it seems that these players almost took the law into their own hands when they describe the struggle they had getting paid out. I almost know what is coming next when these players self righteously explain that they were asked to provide identification details before their money could be released and their further indignation when they point out to the customer service department that "we weren't asked to identify ourselves when we were making deposits". What these players didn't realise or never took the time to check out was that online casinos don't make their members go through this procedure for the sport, or because they want to cheat them out of their money. The only reason is that international law regarding cash transfers has decreed that it be so.

On the other hand it might be easy to understand that where online players feel the most vulnerable is when it comes down to making a withdrawal. With, regulations often demanding that a player provide identification details before their withdrawal can be released. It is in the online casino interest to make sure that the process goes through as quickly and smoothly as possible. What is usually required is some form of photo identification and a utility bill; these items are best sent as scanned e-mail attachments.

Once the identification process has been completed, the withdrawal can be processed and should find its way into the player's account with 24 hours. Identification details are usually only asked for in the case of first time withdrawals, or when the withdrawal is really large or when the online casino's security department detects unusual patterns in a client's account.

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