Monday, July 20, 2009

Tips for better slot playing

The world of online slots in online casinos is huge. The jackpots are going up all the time, and it is now possible to play in tournaments that pay over one million dollars. And that’s US dollars at that. So if you are thinking about playing in one of these bonanza tournaments, these tips may come in handy.

It is essential to know the paytable, and how it works. Many do have high jackpots but you will need lots of money to play them, as they only pay out smaller prizes for non jackpot winning turns. If you have a relatively low bank roll, i.e. your means, then it would probably be better to play slots for lower jackpots but more frequent payouts of some kind.

Take full of advantage of any play for free options. As most online casinos allow you to play the game free of charge, use this opportunity to see which games are suited to your expectations, your bank roll, and which ones you are most comfortable with. This way when you feel completely familiar with a game, you can jump in and start spending some real cash!

If you are playing on progressive jackpot slot machines, always bet the maximum. The disappointment that you have if you get all the way to the jackpot and win, but have not bet enough to win the maximum, cannot be overstated. Quite literally, you have probably blown the chance of winning hundreds and thousands of dollars. It is worse than betting the maximum and losing straight away. So always bet the maximum on progressive jackpot machines.

It is a fact that the biggest downfall in a gambler is a tendency to chase losses. Do not let this be you, if you feel you are not getting anywhere with one slot machine, switch to another. The slot machine does not owe you anything and does not have to pay out. The reasons casino slots machines in online casinos are such a good money spinner for these sites is because they can entice you in this way. You will never beat a machine that is not going to pay out. It is always a good idea to have a budget and stick to it. This way you will not lose too much to cruel slot machines. This goes for all types of gambling, but try and avoid I’ll just have one more go scenario. It never works.

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