Monday, July 20, 2009

The Hard Count On Online Blackjack

Here is how to card count - Card counting and online blackjack are synonymous. There are various TV, Films and books that have featured the two together over the years, and it has always come across as a full proof way of winning hands while playing the game. So much so, those casinos have asked players to leave if they suspect them of card counting.

The basic way of card counting is featured here. This version was created by Harvey Dubner, and is called the Hi Lo system, and is a favourite among many players for its simplicity and effectiveness.

The system works by assigning a value depending upon what kind of card you are dealt. The ranges are shown below.
Twos’, threes’, fours’, fives’, and sixes’ are counted as +1.
Sevens’, eights’, and nines’ are assigned the value of 0.
Tens’, jacks, queens, kings, and aces, are assigned the value of -1.

The count begins at 0 with each new deck, and with each card you receive you simply add, subtract or retain the same total accordingly. This system is seen as balanced as the cards even out after a while. The idea is that if you have a positive number, you will have lower cards and therefore the advantage. In this instance, your hands will be stronger, as you have less a chance of going bust. Therefore you can exercise caution, if the count should become minus, as the bigger cards means it could be time to stay, rather than hit.

Consider though, that if you have a lesser number of small cards, there is a stronger chance of you getting a casino blackjack, a greater chance of the dealer going bust, and the greater chance of receiving an immediate stronger hand. All positive things to your winning chances, and something that contradicts the thinking behind the Hi Lo System. Despite this, it is a favourite among play blackjack players, and is a system adopted across the world. Before Harvey Dubner gave us this card counting system, the system adopted was the ten count system by Dr Edward Throp, this system suffered from being highly complex and the need to have a good mathematical brain.

Perhaps the easiest way to keep pace with a card counting system is simply to buy a deck of cards and keep dealing them to yourself, and count the card as you do so. You should end up at zero once you have gone through the entire deck.
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1 comment:

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