Monday, July 20, 2009

Ten tips to play better video poker

The game of video poker that combines slots with poker is huge. All online casinos have it, everyone seems to love it. So that being said, what is the best way to play the game, given that you simply cannot bluff a machine?

Well these tips should give you a few pointers, and hopefully some extra cash for your trouble.

Relax- You’re playing a machine so there is no time limit. Just take your time and make the right decision. It is a good idea to have a hardcopy guide to the odds open on your lap too, always helps.

Never redraw five cards if you have a Jack or better. The chances of getting a high pair or three of a kind are good, and this means a better payout. Also, many machines pay out higher winnings for Jacks or higher.

Never break a straight to draw a flush. A straight is a good winning hand and you never know what is coming around the corner if you gamble this good winning hand for a flush. It may look tempting, but it is so easy to lose everything if you choose to break that straight.

If you get a chance for a royal flush, go for it. This means, that if you need three cards for the best hand you can get, or not take the risk and draw four, forget it. Nothing beats the flush, or the pay out.

Never break a flush, even if you can draw one for a straight flush. It is like the rules about breaking a straight. The flush is a good winning hand and the possibilities of loosing everything are high if you choose to go for the straight flush.

That being said, if you can get a royal flush, even by breaking a flush, goes for it. The pay outs are amazing, as is the hand – so one would really enjoy the environment and the cash that can be earned.

If you are serious about playing and winning casino video poker, it is a good idea to just to play video poker no more than two variations so you can learn the game inside out. By doing this, you will soon find yourself winning, or at least doing all you can to win, by making sound decisions. Many recommend “Deuces Wild”, or “Jacks or Better”, as the better games to play.
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Tips for dealing with dodgy Sportsbook sites

Sadly, on all kind of online gaming, dodgy Sportsbook sites do exist. The industry is unregulated, and many players that have played online Sportsbooks have lost money, because the Sportsbook site has suddenly gone bust. So what can you do if this happens to you?

The first thing to do is not to panic. Every bad situation has a positive spin eventually, even if it is only to spot another bad Sportsbook site in the future. If the scenario is the worst case scenario, and the Sportsbook site has disappeared without a trace, then there is little you can do. If no one picks up the phone when you call a number, or the line is dead, and no response to emails, then this is a grave situation, and probably one where you have lost your money.

This is why it is recommended that you only play sites that are well established, as these are tried and tested, and are genuine online Sportsbook sites. Do not be lured by big bonuses to sites that no other players seem to know too much about. Normally, disputes with Sportsbook sites generally fall into the category of you have tried to withdraw some money but for a reason which is unfair, the online, has blocked the withdraw. If this happens there are a number of options you can use, so keep calm play it by ear and read on.

Stay calm, and call the helpline, or support number. Many will have people working at fairly low level to take the call, so keep calling and ask to speak to someone higher up the chain until you get to someone in authority, and most importantly, someone who has the authority to give you the decision you are looking for. This is where you can get results.

If you go down a legal route, remember this is a difficult road because the Sportsbook maybe in a country other than your own. Many countries have different laws, and some do not have any that apply to online gambling, so beware.

Another option is to threaten the online Sportsbook with going public on the forums. The site in question may be a little more cooperative with you if you level this threat at them to protect your reputation.
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Tips for better slot playing

The world of online slots in online casinos is huge. The jackpots are going up all the time, and it is now possible to play in tournaments that pay over one million dollars. And that’s US dollars at that. So if you are thinking about playing in one of these bonanza tournaments, these tips may come in handy.

It is essential to know the paytable, and how it works. Many do have high jackpots but you will need lots of money to play them, as they only pay out smaller prizes for non jackpot winning turns. If you have a relatively low bank roll, i.e. your means, then it would probably be better to play slots for lower jackpots but more frequent payouts of some kind.

Take full of advantage of any play for free options. As most online casinos allow you to play the game free of charge, use this opportunity to see which games are suited to your expectations, your bank roll, and which ones you are most comfortable with. This way when you feel completely familiar with a game, you can jump in and start spending some real cash!

If you are playing on progressive jackpot slot machines, always bet the maximum. The disappointment that you have if you get all the way to the jackpot and win, but have not bet enough to win the maximum, cannot be overstated. Quite literally, you have probably blown the chance of winning hundreds and thousands of dollars. It is worse than betting the maximum and losing straight away. So always bet the maximum on progressive jackpot machines.

It is a fact that the biggest downfall in a gambler is a tendency to chase losses. Do not let this be you, if you feel you are not getting anywhere with one slot machine, switch to another. The slot machine does not owe you anything and does not have to pay out. The reasons casino slots machines in online casinos are such a good money spinner for these sites is because they can entice you in this way. You will never beat a machine that is not going to pay out. It is always a good idea to have a budget and stick to it. This way you will not lose too much to cruel slot machines. This goes for all types of gambling, but try and avoid I’ll just have one more go scenario. It never works.

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Tips for playing online bingo

To get the most out of playing online bingo, we have created some tips which should help you find your way around most bingo sites, see what kind of bonuses you can expect to receive, and other useful tips that we have found.

Many UK bingo sites offer free joining bonuses. Though this sounds good at the outset, it is important to make sure that you have a good look around the site to make up your mind whether you like it or not. Consider the kind of games available, and if they are you cup of tea, and try and find out how many people use the site, and how much the jackpots are, and when they are updated. Becoming a cash player at a bingo review site is a decision that you must not make lightly, as this site is where your hard earned cash will go. So make sure the site is right for you, and don’t forget to try as many of these sites for free first, so you have sampled plenty of choice before becoming a fully fledged signed up member of cash playing bingo site.

On the subject of bonuses, most sites that offer a joining bonus do not let you withdraw it from the funds. You can purchase more bingo tickets with it, and once you have satisfied their winning requirements, you can withdraw your winnings then. So bare in mind two factors here, one, your bonus is exactly that, a bonus, and in most cases it stays on the site for purchases only, and two, before you can withdraw any winnings, you must have satisfied the winning requirements.

It is on this premises that we feel it is always a good idea to check your terms and conditions before joining a site. There is nothing worse than joining a site only to find that you cannot withdraw the money you have just won because regulation 2.3 has not been satisfied. Therefore, always make sure you know where you are when it comes to bingo site terms and conditions. It is also important to remember, that each site has slightly different terms and conditions, so when you are checking out a new site, check out the terms and conditions too, that way your online bingo review experience will be better.

If you have never played a UK online bingo game before, you will probably be surprised at the following phrases. Team bingo, chat bingo, and reload bonus.
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Tips for winning at roulette

The world of online casinos is here, as is online roulette. It is possible to win big money when playing roulette, so here are a few tips which will hopefully make your bank balance that little healthier.

It is essential that the roulette system you use, is free, allows outside table position bets, and is easy to use. Never pay to play roulette. Tables where you have to pay should be avoided as this is probably some kind of scam.

When playing roulette stick with the outside chances, red/black, odd/even, high/low, columns or dozens. Though the other kind of bets can yield more rewards, the chances of winning when sticking to outside chances bets are far higher. The percentages game is the best system for roulette.

Online roulette players that frequently make profit by play roulette, always acknowledge the previous winning numbers, and make their decisions on what to bet on by these. So if the last five winning numbers were all odd, maybe this would be a good time to bet on even. It is always a good idea to refine your game on free online roulette tables before switching to the gambling real money arena. This way you can be come familiar with phrases, and learn how the game works before you stake any cash.

No professional gambler bets more than he can afford to lose. Many professional online roulette players always work on a system of banking their winnings and playing with their original stake. So if you have $50 and after an hours playing have $100, bank $50 and carry on playing with $50. This way, the worst possible outcome is even money. No professional gambler chases losses either. So don’t prolong a losing streak.

Always remember you are not their to beat the casino when playing roulette, but to make profit. So keep the focus on what you are doing, and how you are playing the odds. This way, you can minimise losses by changing strategy. It is a good idea to play European and not American roulette tables, as they have an increased double zero advantage. The European table has only a 2.63% advantage over you where as the American counterpart has far higher. It is important only to ever play online roulette on an online casino site that is an established brand that publishes its winning percentages.

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Tips for winning at roulette

The world of online casinos is here, as is online roulette. It is possible to win big money when playing roulette, so here are a few tips which will hopefully make your bank balance that little healthier.

It is essential that the roulette system you use, is free, allows outside table position bets, and is easy to use. Never pay to play roulette. Tables where you have to pay should be avoided as this is probably some kind of scam.

When playing roulette stick with the outside chances, red/black, odd/even, high/low, columns or dozens. Though the other kind of bets can yield more rewards, the chances of winning when sticking to outside chances bets are far higher. The percentages game is the best system for roulette.

Online roulette players that frequently make profit by play roulette, always acknowledge the previous winning numbers, and make their decisions on what to bet on by these. So if the last five winning numbers were all odd, maybe this would be a good time to bet on even. It is always a good idea to refine your game on free online roulette tables before switching to the gambling real money arena. This way you can be come familiar with phrases, and learn how the game works before you stake any cash.

No professional gambler bets more than he can afford to lose. Many professional online roulette players always work on a system of banking their winnings and playing with their original stake. So if you have $50 and after an hours playing have $100, bank $50 and carry on playing with $50. This way, the worst possible outcome is even money. No professional gambler chases losses either. So don’t prolong a losing streak.

Always remember you are not their to beat the casino when playing roulette, but to make profit. So keep the focus on what you are doing, and how you are playing the odds. This way, you can minimise losses by changing strategy. It is a good idea to play European and not American roulette tables, as they have an increased double zero advantage. The European table has only a 2.63% advantage over you where as the American counterpart has far higher. It is important only to ever play online roulette on an online casino site that is an established brand that publishes its winning percentages.

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Tips for the craps beginner

Online craps is a mad game played by a certain kind of person. Normally, this kind of person will be someone who has little control over their lives, or someone who has too much and uses craps as a way to address the balance. Either way, in this game you can either win a fortune, or lose it in a matter of seconds.

So to try and stop the latter occurring, let’s try and tilt the odds in your favour by giving you a few pointers in the right direction.

Obviously, like any game it is important to know the rules. Though the rules of craps are constant the betting system can alter slightly, especially when playing online craps. Make sure you choose an online casino that allows the same or better odds as a live casino. This comes into play with true odd bets, so make sure the online casino allows them to be played. These give you the best odds against the casino, so the more they allow you to bet at true odds, the better.

Don’t play too fast. Unlike a live casino where you can get caught up in the action and play frantically, never really having a chance to take everything in. The online version of play craps, does allow you to take a step back and see what is happening.Use the advantages of online craps to make sure you can assess what is going on. This way you have more control over what is going on and a greater chance of winning.

Proposition bets are to be avoided. Though the winnings should they come off do look very tempting, the chances of them going your way are very slender indeed. If you want to maximise your winnings, then do not play these bets. You can be sure that the odds of winning one of these are far higher than you would expect.

There are many superstitions surrounding craps, and though mathematically rubbish, many a gambler still believes that the chances of rolling odd numbers are greater than fifty – fifty, if the last three dice rolls have all been odd. This is simply not the case. Dice do not have a memory, so even in casino craps, changing bets based on the roll of a previous dice roll or rolls, will not really improve your chances of winning than dangling a turnip off your nose.
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Tips for using online casinos

If you are a new comer or regular player to the online casino gaming world, you can be presented with a myriad of information focusing on online casinos. Unless you know what you are doing, it would be possible to lose an awful lot of money very quickly, so these tips are to help you pick out the better casinos, and avoid the worst ones, or the worst of the worst, the scams.

The better online casinoswill give good introductory bonuses, and publish there pay out percentages. This last fact is very important as the ones that do not appear to have them probably never pay out and are scams. So always play with an established brand when it comes to online casino play. This is of course our right to choose the best one from all.

The better casinos also offer good bonuses. So make sure the reload and joining bonuses are good. Also, if you are playing a certain type of game, say roulette. Ensure that it has similar odds to a live casino. You are playing with your hard earned money after all. Casinos that are worth playing have the best jackpots. They also have a fair amount of players, so make sure that the online casinos you play in have plenty of both. The better casinos will also have a good section explaining the games and how to play them too.

Before you play for real in an online casino review, try and familiarise yourself with the game that you are playing on the free tables. Also, do not be afraid to try all the games so that you can chose which one you like best. Familiarise yourself with the rules, because even if you know them there are variances between the different types of game. So know them inside out. Also, try and limit yourself to two games, as this way you can learn how to play them well, which increase your chances of winning.

Remember that online casino games are like casino games, in the sense that they are all about percentages, and not big wins. So try and play the versions of casino review games that pay out frequently rather than big. This way you will maximise your winnings over losses, and your bank balance will be healthier. When playing online casino games, try and pick up tips and strategies from other online sources.

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The Hard Count On Online Blackjack

Here is how to card count - Card counting and online blackjack are synonymous. There are various TV, Films and books that have featured the two together over the years, and it has always come across as a full proof way of winning hands while playing the game. So much so, those casinos have asked players to leave if they suspect them of card counting.

The basic way of card counting is featured here. This version was created by Harvey Dubner, and is called the Hi Lo system, and is a favourite among many players for its simplicity and effectiveness.

The system works by assigning a value depending upon what kind of card you are dealt. The ranges are shown below.
Twos’, threes’, fours’, fives’, and sixes’ are counted as +1.
Sevens’, eights’, and nines’ are assigned the value of 0.
Tens’, jacks, queens, kings, and aces, are assigned the value of -1.

The count begins at 0 with each new deck, and with each card you receive you simply add, subtract or retain the same total accordingly. This system is seen as balanced as the cards even out after a while. The idea is that if you have a positive number, you will have lower cards and therefore the advantage. In this instance, your hands will be stronger, as you have less a chance of going bust. Therefore you can exercise caution, if the count should become minus, as the bigger cards means it could be time to stay, rather than hit.

Consider though, that if you have a lesser number of small cards, there is a stronger chance of you getting a casino blackjack, a greater chance of the dealer going bust, and the greater chance of receiving an immediate stronger hand. All positive things to your winning chances, and something that contradicts the thinking behind the Hi Lo System. Despite this, it is a favourite among play blackjack players, and is a system adopted across the world. Before Harvey Dubner gave us this card counting system, the system adopted was the ten count system by Dr Edward Throp, this system suffered from being highly complex and the need to have a good mathematical brain.

Perhaps the easiest way to keep pace with a card counting system is simply to buy a deck of cards and keep dealing them to yourself, and count the card as you do so. You should end up at zero once you have gone through the entire deck.
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The X-Factor In the Online Casino Games

Casino games really are the games that I love to play. I don’t know what the best thing about them is to be honest, other than the fact that I love them. I think it’s because the games are so varied and require different strategies, which is the appeal. If I am down on my luck on one game, then that can all change if I play another?

The excitement factor in an online casino games is nearly as good as a live casino. You are still James Bond in the tuxedo, and the girl is still on your arm. Not that it matters as the bonuses, the bets, the dice, the ball, and the cards, is all that is important. The woman can wait; there are far more important matters to attend to!

Casino games online usually follow the same rules as their live casino counterparts, so if you are good at the game live, the same principles and strategies should help you make the best of your winnings when you come to play an online casino game. You will find you make the most of your money by playing percentages, rather than going all out for the big win. So you see online casino games do mirror the live casinos almost identically.

You have to choose your online casino with care though, some do not give the bonuses or allow the same bets as their live counterparts, so ensure you are getting top dollar all the way along the chain when you play an online casino game. This is only fair; you have worked hard to be playing that online casino game after all, so make sure you get what is yours.

Obviously, there are no dress restrictions in an online casino; you do not even have to lie about it on some form, so no need to take the tuxedo out of the bag just yet. You can play in your track suit bottoms or your boxers, you can wear a shirt or not, it does not matter. Though you will find you will play better if you are comfortable and relaxed.

The other advantage of playing an casino games online is that you have time to make decisions, and not get too caught up in the excitement of the game. If you are playing a game that requires some thought or strategy, then this is a real bonus to increase your chance of winning.

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Online Bingo – The Real Cash Online

It is strange that until recently I never saw the appeal of bingo. It just seemed like a collection of old people all sitting around looking miserable and sighing heavily at not winning a round. Also, the other people associated with it, like the guy who calls out the numbers, in my head always had a ridiculous hair cut and ‘tash, and wore gold jackets. He frequently tried to be funny, only to fail. Not even the old people liked him.
Then I saw an ad for online bingo and thought why not? The prize money was good, and I thought well I have had enough of poker for now, so I clicked on the online bingo site and to be honest with you, I have never looked back. The game, I have to say, is exciting and fun. The players too, are under fifty, and in fact most of them are between twenty seven and thirty eight. I fit nicely in there, know what I mean?

The games tend to be good too, with good prize money for small outlay. I wish I found this years ago. Also, the beauty of online bingo, is that you don’t have to listen to that unfunny bloke, with the silly ‘tash and haircut, wearing gold. Now that is a bonus!

A lovely feature of onlinebingo is the chat facilities. I find it great chatting to other players boasting about how much I have won when playing online bingo, as I know it annoys them. Other players do the same to me.

UK bingo is apparently booming. Lots and lots of people go and sit down every night in the bingo halls and play bingo. This is how it should be, but I do like the bingo online. I do not get so overwhelmed or embarrassed to play bingo here, because I know if a friend of mine saw me walking out of a bingo hall, well I’d never live it down. So onlinebingo, other than kicking out the man with the 'tash, has that added bonus.

The other great thing I have found when I play bingo is that it is not limited just to onlinebingo, but other games too like scratch cards, and slot machines. This all goes to make UK bingo, very enjoyable, especially online bingo. Another fact I find which astounds me is that I never want to play any other game. I always choose to play bingo online now, and I never thought I would say that.

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