Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Online Slots – The Hot Casino Games

The world of online slots machine gaming is taking off, and has already spawned several different types of game. The principle is the same, as in essence they all work by putting your money in the machine, spinning the wheels, and if lady luck smiles, you could win a tidy sum!
There are variances on the games however, and they are designed to suit all players, levels of skill, and pockets. The different types of games available are Progressive Jackpot Slots, Multiple Payline Slots, and Multiplier Slots. So with three to choose from you are sure to find a game that will be good for you.
There are many tricks, tips and hints to learn for success at online slot machine gaming, and once you have them under your belt, well who knows what could happen. Here are short descriptions of the games.
Progressive Jackpot Slots are where a number of slot machines are tied together under a single network, and because the jackpot is taken from the cumulative total of all slot machines under this network, the jackpots tend to be very high. This has made them very popular among casino slots machine gamers. They tend to have the biggest jackpots.
Multiple Payline Slots: These games feature an increased chance of winning, proportionate to an increase in stake. Generally, they work by three horizontal and diagonal lines, and by spinning a winning combination between these lines, gives you a chance to win, providing you up the stakes. The games are also known as ‘Line Games’, or ‘Aussies’.
Multiplier Slots: Unlike Multiple Payline Slots, this game has static odds, but the jackpot can be increased by adding more coins. The jackpot is multiplied by the number of coins you add, hence the name. These are the most common kind of slot machine in most casinos.
As with all forms of gaming, the slot machine gaming scene has its own terminology for playing the game. The most common of these are ‘3 line’, and ‘5 line’. These refer to the number of wheels in play during one of the three games, and somewhat predictably, ‘coins’, refers to the currency and money used to play slots. It is also used to indicate winnings and bet price.
‘Flash slot machines’ are breaking through and allow playing an online slot machine game, without having to download the software, as the game is hosted on a website and played in its own window. As a result the slot machine gaming scene is seeing these grow in popularity all the time.
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