Friday, March 19, 2010

Find out why playing online roulette can be your game

A lot of players, who join online casinos at first get very excited, like a kid in a toy store. After all these 3D graphics can certainly capture a player's imagination and these online bonuses never seem to stop arriving. But when the dust settles most players find an online game that they feel most comfortable with. And for many that game is roulette.

Online roulette has become many players' favourite because it is a really easy game to play. In truth all that a player has to do is place their bets, and sit back and watch the action on the roulette table pan out. And thanks to the wonders of online gaming software, there is even no need to place bets at every spin. The computer software even does that for you.
Roulette is a game for players who are in it for the long term, and don't need too much excitement. You will never hear of a player winning a casino roulette jackpot, or an international roulette tournament. Because there are none. You won't hear that a player hit a roulette jackpot, because the best bet you can find on a roulette table is 35-1, which is not bad odds. However the people who set these odds, and that's going back a few hundred years, knew exactly what they were doing. Because that's the exact percentage chance of a player hitting a number on the nose.

What online casinos will never advertise is the number of players who have developed a system that should allow them to win consistently playing blackjack online. This is not one of these magical "beat the bank" systems that some less than honest person will try and sell you online. In roulette there are no shortcuts. An online player who understands statistics and is prepared to take calculated risks will have figured out that they can win at roulette by betting properly. They might be sacrificing a few bells and whistles but they should take a profit in most spins, and lose very dramatically in very few.

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Blog- Spin out your slots plays with bonuses

If your favourite online casino game is slots then the chances are that you are playing for fun and winning is a bonus. Wagering history has yet to unearth evidence of any professional slot players. It has always been a game that has been entertainment based, with very little skill required. In the internet age, slots have become a lot more sophisticated and the skill levels required to play them have risen, but only slightly. The big difference in the last few years is the appearance of progressive online slots jackpots. Players have been known to win huge progressive slots jackpots prizes that have allowed them to keep put their feet up and keep them their feet up for a while.
These are the attractions that keep a player coming back whenever they can to watch n the wheels go round a little and hope that they can spin out their play for as long as they can especially if there is a progressive spin tournament on the go. Online casino slots management is always very supportive towards slots players and will always be willing to consider awarding a bonus to players who play regularly. These bonuses can be like a breath of fresh air to a player who, if they are sensible enough, only wants to play on a regular daily budget. When a slots player asks for a bonus, the casino management will always look at their gaming history, how much they have been depositing before saying, yes, no and how much. There is another factor that casinos take into account, and not many players are aware of it. Because of the power of the software that they use, a casino can see if the player has had a really bad run of luck. Casino software is programmed to play out around 97% in favour of the player, and if a slots player has gone much lower than that, the casino will be able to recognize it and award an especially generous bonus to even up the par.
So next time you are playing and feel that lady luck is being especially unkind, don't be embarrassed to ask for a bonus, to keep these wheels spinning,
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Exclusive Offers & Bonuses on Online Blackjack Games

Casinos and blackjack go together like peaches and cream. Blackjack or 21 as it is often known hasn't always been that respectable and has been played in head's up games for years in bars, saloons and anyplace that you wouldn’t want to take your mother. In the land casino of Europe and the states, you will always find a load of blackjack tables, always surrounded by lots of noisy people, pushing and shoving to get down a bet, and glaring at other players at the table who drew a card when they shouldn't have.

Land casinos, especially the Vegas or Atlantic City ones portrayed in films, are notoriously generous to their high rollers, giving them loads of "comps" free meals, the use of luxury suites and even private airplanes to keep them playing. In real life it seldom works that way, and the numbers of players who get comps are very few and far between.

In online casinos, the story is a lot different. Online blackjack may not have suites or private air planes, and that's a definite advantage to the player. You might ask why, and the answer is that why do you need to be transported anywhere, when you anyway play in the comfort of your own home. But what do online casinos give? They give bonuses, and plenty of them. From no deposit welcome bonuses, to welcome bonuses sometimes as much as five times more than a player's initial deposit, to match deposit bonuses and up to and including loyalty bonus points, the online casinos are pushing and shoving to provide bonuses to their loyal players. And how can they afford to be so generous? Because their overheads are so low, and they believe in passing on some of the money they save back to the players.

And these bonuses will come very much in handy for the blackjack player, to spread out the amount of time that they can afford at the table. And the longer a player can stay at the table, the better the chance they have of hitting that magical winning spree that we all live in hope of hitting. That why when your favourite online casino offers you a bonus, remember that it's rude to refuse.

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