Saturday, February 27, 2010

How to Avoid Online Casino Frauds

The fact that fraud is a well developed industry in online casinos world is no secret at all. There are times when information is packaged so attractively that you lose track of the substance in the message. The fraudsters are extremely good in psychology. They understand the attraction people have about money and how easily they can fall for tricks in matters concerning money.

Easy Money is Not So Easy
After all, how do we prevent all the frauds centered around money? Keep the fact in mind that easy money is not easy at all, if it really were possible, everybody would be rich. For example, it seems very attractive if you come across bonuses such as “put $100 in your account and get $500 bonus”. The announcements about obnoxious bonuses only work because we allow them to. Get a few basics right, check the data of the website, if it has been registered only recently, there is no reason why you should trust them with your hard earned money. We agree you may actually get the bonus in your account but it may be extremely hard to cash out from the website. You may actually end up losing your own $100 in the process as well.

Does the Casino have a License?
While visiting a casino, make it a point to look at the licenses of the online casinos you are playing at. All reputable online casinos are regulated by some kind of gambling authority. Once you have the details of the license of the casino, you at least have an option open should anything go wrong with you.

Play only at Reputed and Regulated Casinos
Another method to help you get rid of your own money – they tell you there is a bug in their system through which you can win loads of money. Most probably, you are going to lose your own money also in the bargain. It is a good idea to play only at good and developed websites because they ensure fair and secure gaming environment for all the players playing at their websites. Every corner of the globe has literally thousands of online casinos that are vying for your attention. It’s a sad fact that some of them exist solely for the purpose of stealing your money. In worst cases, the casino you played at may be a shady dealer and you may not receive any payout at all. Or, in other cases, you may become a victim of identity theft, which is equally worse.

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Friday, February 26, 2010

Place Bets on Sports Events the Modern Way

In the earlier days you used to place bets through local bookies, but those were the days when technology had not improved. Finding a local bookie itself was too much trouble and you had to do a lot of shady dealings to place the bets. With the advent of Internet, things have changed considerably and the local bookie has gone out of business due to online sports betting websites.

You don't have to wait for inordinately long time for your bookie who used to be a very busy person. Today sportsbook run 24x7 and whatever your question, people would be ready to answer your query. If you don't have any question, you just want to place a bet, that's not a problem. Your bet would be accepted at any time of the day (or night). Placing your bets has become so convenient, that your local bookie is not an option for you anymore.

Even Uncommon Events are Covered
Online sports betting websites offer you options which were not available earlier. For example, if you wanted to place bets on American idol, your local bookies might have refused. It doesn't happen that way anymore. online sportsbook websites offer you betting options on any event, even for unusual events such as American idol. There is no reason why you should just stick to football if your favorite games are NASCAR and Cricket.

You can Bet Any Amount
In earlier days the amounts placed as bets were controlled by local bookies who decided how much bet you could place (and if you could place any bets at all). Online sports betting industry accepts even low bets such as $1 and if your are a high roller, sky is the limit for you.

SportsBook is Regulated, Not Criminalized
In many places, while online sports betting is a regulated industry, it is not criminalized which means you can place bets without guilt pangs. Just make sure you are playing it safe and are not breaking any guidelines.

Start with Simple Methods
It is important to place bets on sports betting websites in a disciplined manner. You should understand the trends very well. You should make sure the progress of the game is carefully analyzed before you place any bets. Try not to use too many betting styles in one go if you are not an expert. The initial bets should only follow basic styles and you should graduate to complicated methods once you are familiar with the basics.

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Participating In Progressive Jackpots And Your Odds

Online casino players who are aiming to make big profits by participating in progressive jackpot are not very far from success. The progressive slots are famous for offering the highest payouts to the players, which is reffered to as a life changing jackpot by professional gamblers.

Your chances of actually winning the progressive slots or other online casino games, depend on the type of game, machine, and the size of Jackpot. Size of Jackpot affects your odds because if there is a larger amount at stake, you are more likely to face competition from other players. The frequency of hitting a jackpot on your local progressive slot machine will be much higher. Calculating the odds of winning a jackpot in a progressive slot machine is difficult because the machines that are participating in that Jackpot may behave differently.

The jackpot prize also depends on the amount wagered by different players, because every wager adds to the progressive Jackpot. Playing video poker or other such games are somewhat different because the odds of winning are already known in those games. It is not required for the casinos to declare the odds of progressive Jackpots but in practice they do offer a par sheet in which expected probablities for every combination are declared. There is a common belief that your chances of hitting a progressive jackpot in a slot machine are one in ten millions. The payback percentage of these online progressive Jackpots, are however, known. In the long term, the house always has an edge over the players.

If the players are getting 90 percent payback from a standalone slot machine, the return rate falls down to 86 to 87 percent in progressive slot machines. Becuase the jackpot is bigger, it needs more funding from more players thus reducing the odds for all the players. The players participating in progressive jackpots continue to participate in the game despite knowing about the odds because they are willing to take a risk in return for a bigger jackpot. Another point the players should keep in mind is that a jackpot can only be won if they place the maximum wager.

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